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Care to expand on that?


1. Foundation of concrete is terrible quality. Everytime it rains minimum 10mm, water leaks into our SS1, SS2 AND SS3 parking. Water leaks from the Sous-Sol and eventually got into the lockers of some owners.


2. There was a flood on the 3rd floor chalet urbain after it rained 15mm one time, whole bunch of damages.


3. They built a rooftop pool of 300 square feet to accommodate 399 units LOL.


4. They built a gym of 350 square feet to accommodate 399 units LOL.


5. They put the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi on the 3rd floor with the pool on the 18th, the result is when people want to go from the pool to the other amenities, the elevator floors are always always soaked.


6. They lie when they advertise. When the project was being advertised, they were told not to mention Lowney Phases 1,2,3,4. When I asked what buildings were going to built in 2013, they said there was not going to be anything built "over there". I have video proof of of the real estate agent explaining this to me.


7. They want to add a third tower (185 units) with no extra accommodations. There will be a 300sqft pool and 350sqft gym for 399+185 units. Also, they plan on combining the parking for all 399+185 units, which really, there just isn't enough room to be honest. Of course we have no say of this, since Devimcrap sold the parking space to an external company, so neither Devimco nor the owners have a say of what goes on in our own garage.


8. At our first board meeting, everyone addressed most of these problems and the promoter brushed most things off and said if you're not happy with the organization of the project, you can check out the other projects they have...savage.


There is more but I'll just stop now...

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I agreed with some of the above statements. I however believe that you cannot blame a developper for things that you could have known beforehand by educating yourself better:


- All the ameneties and their respective locations were mentionned during the sale. I was one of the first people to buy a unit back in April 2012 and it was clearly explained that the dry/wet saunas, hot tub, gym, garden and urban chalet would be located on the third floor vs a rooftop pool. They are also enlarging the rooftop area over the winter since we all complained that it was quite smaller than initially depicted in the renderings.


- Not defending the sales agent, but Lowney is not their project and you could have easily walked over to Prevel and asked them. I made sure to educate myself on all surrounding projects and picked a unit that didn't face Lowney sur Ville. My view is now blocked by YOO but I won't cry to Devimco for not telling me...


- The third tower was always planned. If you looked at ANY project rendering, city plans, etc... we knew another tower would be built above the Winners. The new phase will also have their own rooftop area so your statement about not adding any amenities is incorrect.


- Devimco reserved parking spaces for the new phase (Exalto) but I don't see any issues otherwise. I purchased a spot and they are still available for new units except the smaller studios (which is the same rule for any other condo project with limited parking. - I was at the first CA meeting and never did anyone from Devimco say "You can always look into another of our projects if you aren't happy".


Don't get me wrong, I was not happy with the level of quality that Devimco offered as I lived in constant renos for 6 months as their contractor (EBC) repeatedly came to fix issues but don't go around spreading false information either.

1. Foundation of concrete is terrible quality. Everytime it rains minimum 10mm, water leaks into our SS1, SS2 AND SS3 parking. Water leaks from the Sous-Sol and eventually got into the lockers of some owners.


2. There was a flood on the 3rd floor chalet urbain after it rained 15mm one time, whole bunch of damages.


3. They built a rooftop pool of 300 square feet to accommodate 399 units LOL.


4. They built a gym of 350 square feet to accommodate 399 units LOL.


5. They put the steam room/sauna/jacuzzi on the 3rd floor with the pool on the 18th, the result is when people want to go from the pool to the other amenities, the elevator floors are always always soaked.


6. They lie when they advertise. When the project was being advertised, they were told not to mention Lowney Phases 1,2,3,4. When I asked what buildings were going to built in 2013, they said there was not going to be anything built "over there". I have video proof of of the real estate agent explaining this to me.


7. They want to add a third tower (185 units) with no extra accommodations. There will be a 300sqft pool and 350sqft gym for 399+185 units. Also, they plan on combining the parking for all 399+185 units, which really, there just isn't enough room to be honest. Of course we have no say of this, since Devimcrap sold the parking space to an external company, so neither Devimco nor the owners have a say of what goes on in our own garage.


8. At our first board meeting, everyone addressed most of these problems and the promoter brushed most things off and said if you're not happy with the organization of the project, you can check out the other projects they have...savage.


There is more but I'll just stop now...

Modifié par faze555
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Oui, une grue a été installée et en passant ce matin, ils installaient une structure pour accueillir une dalle de béton...


On est déjà rendu à 3 voire 4 étages au dessus des étages commerciaux. Cela monte très vite.

Modifié par Feanaro
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