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Canadiens de Montréal


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The thing that puzzles me with M.A. Bergeron is that the Habs will be his 5th team in his short career and he's an offensive minded defencemen which is a major commodity these days in the NHL, yet after netting 14 goals with the Wild, No one signed him. Is he not a team player? Is he a distraction in the locker room? Is he a liability defensely? He could not hold a job with the Islanders, one of the worst team in the NHL. I don't know about this signing. If any, once he conditions himself with the Bulldogs and is fit to play with the Habs, I hope we just play him on the powerplay and that's it until he's proven himself defensively. It's too bad we did not give Carle, Subban or even Benoit for that matter a chance to prove their worth in the NHL. Other clubs do it with success i.e. Rangers with Del Zoto and Gilroywhy can't we.


ps... I thought Halak was weak last night. The Habs could have one that game against the Flames. Moen is a real nice acquisition. I love his grit, sandpaper Hockey. I just wished we had a real Bad ass defencemen who can drop the gloves every once and awhile and who plays a real sound defence. HArd to come by these days.

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The problem with Bergeron is that he's small. At 5'10" and 180 pds, most teams prefer d-men who are over 6'. Bergeron is a PP specialist, his defensive game is OK, nothing extraordinary, but he shouldn't be a liability in our own end like Gill was last night!


As fas as the islanders letting him go...I wouldn't put oo much stock in what the islanders do. These are the idiots who let Bobby Luongo go, they are the ones who let Chara go and they are the same morons who gave an unproven 19 year old goalie a 15 year contract!!


I agree about your assessment of last nights game. I also find that Halak was weak on one of the goals. BUt on the other hand, the Flames COMPLETELY dominated the 2nd period. It was like watching Men play against children. The habs were really lucky to be tied 3-3 after 40 minutes!


I was happy to see Latendresse score a nice goal. He passed the puck back to the point and headed for the net. He was rewarded when the puck appeared on his stick! If guillaume could park his butt in the crease more often, he can definately score 25 goals this year.

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Now O'Byrne is gone for 6 weeks. It's unfortunate cause Ryan was playing his best hockey ever! I hope he,ll be able to pick up where he left off when he gets back!

Now it's 8 weeks..



À propos du match d'hier (qui était vraiment cool à regarder, surtout les 2 buts super rapides en 1re) :


quand il restait ~2:30 dans la 3e période, les Canadiens ont fait le pire hors-jeu non-signalé que j'ai vu depuis très longtemps.

Peut-être que j'ai mal vu? est-ce que quelqu'un a un enregistrement?

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Yeah...that wasn't pretty last night, not one bit. The Habs were in Vancouver at the wrong time. The Canucks were due for a win and a good perfromance by Luongo, it was inevitable. Unfortunately for the Habs they were the victims. Mind you Price had absolutely no support. The Canadiens played the 1st 10 minutes of the 2nd period than it was all downhill. It was a pitiful performance from everyone. Again, Laraque trying to change the momentum of the game by cordially asking Vancouver's tough guy to dance... Laraque's fighter's code is ridiculous. Your team is loosing, just go on the ice and stir some shit, ram the goalie, elbow one of the Sedin's do something for the love of God! Laraque's M.O. is fairly simple, let's fight at the drop of the puck...I'm sorry but I can't take this type of fighting or lack there of in Laraque's case anymore. Turn the page, let's hope we do well against the Oilers.

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Au Centre Bell, sortez votre argent!


À défaut de voir le Canadien de Montréal se hisser au sommet du classement de la LNH, le Centre Bell arrive au deuxième rang des amphithéâtres les plus chers de la Ligue.



Le prix de la bière


Selon l’étude annuelle du Team Marketing Report, une famille de quatre personnes devra débourser en moyenne 412,12 $ pour assister à un match du Tricolore au Centre Bell, une augmentation de 3,7% par rapport à l’an dernier.


Ce montant inclut quatre billets de prix moyen, deux bières, quatre hot-dogs, le coût du stationnement, deux programmes de la partie et deux casquettes.


C’est d’ailleurs à Montréal que la bière coûte le plus cher à travers le circuit alors qu’on doit payer 9,37 $ pour un verre. C’est le double que ce que les partisans des Penguins de Pittsburgh.


Les Maple Leafs de Toronto trônent en tête de liste comme étant l’équipe offrant les matches les plus chers, avec une moyenne de 585,87 $ par partie.


La moyenne de la Ligue nationale se situe à 301 $. Tous les montants mentionnés sont en dollars américains

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