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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Have you ridden a modern tram in a modern city? I think you’re confusing a streetcar, like the King Car in Toronto, for a modern tram like the G:link on the Gold Coast. Modern trams are typically a mix of dedicated on-street rights-of-way in city centres along with grade-separated segments in less dense areas. Modern tram lines typically have similar average and top speeds to underground and elevated metros — despite their street-running segments — while offering significantly easier access than either. It is much more straightforward and quick to just hop on the tram in a city centre than it is to go up and down staircases and escalators. Again, it all comes down to choosing the right mode for the right need: a tram to the airport or PAT would be silly; a tram from 32nd past Lachine General Hospital through VSP and Lasalle before connecting le Sud-Ouest to downtown? Almost a no-brainer.
  2. There’s punishment? Lol
  3. Notice the absence of tags on the concrete in a huge American city. Where have we gone wrong?
  4. Errrrm think again. Modern trams are being deployed in all the most advanced cities and regions in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania. The problem in the US is that they are building poorly-conceived tram lines, usually for the wrong reasons. The mode has to suit the need, and the Americans haven’t figured that out for the most part.
  5. You can turn under the Met before Lucerne. I do it every time I go to the dealership on JT at de la Savane. To return to the Waste Island I take dlS, Mountain Sights, Powell/Manella, and CdL to the turn-around. But now imagine all those drivers and their cars that normally contend with the JT down-ramp mess suddenly funneling up the Decarie service road and CdL… Oy vey.
  6. So, a Texas Mixmaster!?
  7. Except now you would have the top of Décarie handling three different directions instead of two, and it wouldn’t avoid the crisscross that happens between Jean Talon and the Circle. The bottleneck is caused by that convergence as well as the convergences going east and west on the Met; this would simply move the merge going north: instead of being along the 40 axis, now it would be on the 15 axis. It wouldn’t eliminate any merges, just change their locations.
  8. La station sous la jettée transfrontalière est peu profonde aussi, donc impossible de joindre un tunnel sous le tablier et les bâtisses.
  9. Lol that happened to me this week. it’s a Forum bug, but it’s caused by your cache being too full. Go into your browser settings and clear your cache, close your browser and then come back. That usually cures it for me.
  10. It’s OK, @budgebandit, it’s not your fault…
  11. Lolllllll 11 years after the fanfare of announcing a metro, whose TWO GOALS were to serve Brossard over the new bridge, AND THE AIRPORT. BWAHAHAHAHA
  12. Yeah, but it’s broccolini, so there’s a good chance it won’t look anything like the renders anyway lol
  13. “Heritage” ≠ “handsome” I know I’m in the minority, but it’s not exactly an attractive thing to see, any more than Silo #5 or Canada Malting is attractive. So now people living in fancy condos can’t see a crumbling old relic. OK. If you find industrial heritage beautiful, go on a walking tour. If I suddenly didn’t have to wake up and see that every morning, I wouldn’t find it a major loss. It’s still there. I can go and check it out whenever the mood strikes me.
  14. Lol why the sad/confused reactions? Two weeks ago everybody was claiming it was going to be 11 floors instead of 13, and I said the columns were going up and it will be 13 as promised. Lol
  15. SameGuy

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    Ce qui aurait été, aurait pu être.
  16. Great shots from JF as always, but boy do these pictures highlight the decrepitude of the mainlines.
  17. SameGuy

    Autoroute 30

    10 years later, I still don’t understand why they installed an old-fashioned toll plaza that causes huge bottleneck traffic most days. I have a transponder — that still forces me to slow to 20 km/h if it decides to work — and yet some days I will wait 15 minutes or more to get through because of the bottleneck, similar to trying to access the Nexus lane at Champlain/Lacolle. Meanwhile my brother-in-law in Toronto zips onto the 407 Express Toll Route at over 100 km/h without ever slowing down, the system able to read transponders or license plates at any speed since the late 90s.
  18. As the areas east and west of De Lorimier keep developing, there is no reason that the bridge shouldn’t become an attraction in and of itself (with proper redevelopment) in time for its hundredth birthday.
  19. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Typically, only sailors and those who fashion themselves writers use the feminine for vessels. In this case, I believe it’s a bit of linguistic license, patterned after Scotty from Star Trek (“I’m givin’er all she’s got, Captain!”).
  20. Again, I’m at a loss as to why they didn’t use a low-vibration track system instead of a traditional ballasted sleeper system on this nearly-centenary structure.
  21. This piazzetta is less than two street lamp distances wide. Honey I shrunk the dozens of imaginary people loitering in this dark, empty alleyway while the sun makes its seven minute transit before disappearing for another 23 hours and 53 minutes.
  22. Maaan I remember when Le Cartier was one of the most impressive buildings downtown — a family friend lived on one of the top floors — and then the Four Seasons (Omni) was built and brutally took over.
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