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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. It’s an extension of the one posted earlier in the thread?
  2. This isn’t Devimco’s first lobbyist filing for the site. So it hasn’t actually sold yet?
  3. It’s a skateboarder paradise
  4. SameGuy

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    I am watching and hoping to be learning (of new projects).
  5. SameGuy

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    Il y en a aussi d’anciennes, mais dont les dossiers semblent avancer de nouveau. 👍🏼
  6. It’s an easy mistake. I knew what happened (I’ve done it myself once or twice). 🙂
  7. Yup. I don’t remember there being a westbound slip (switches), though. The train simply backed up to Val Royal and then proceeded west.
  8. I don’t concur. We throw that criterium around a little too freely. I think the tower suits the property and the street really admirably.
  9. I mean the article isn’t really what this thread is about, but ok.
  10. I know how arches work, but I’m fascinated by how fragile the corner columns look right now.
  11. Presque camouflés contre la neige. I like.
  12. Almost all of that profit is on the business travel side, as frequent business travellers tend to purchase unrestricted fares which are significantly more expensive than those with restrictions, for the exact same cost per seat mile.
  13. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti…
  14. It would, if the Caisse paid real fair-market value for most of the REM’s inherited and gifted infra and rights-of-way.
  15. Don’t forget that Craig Sauvé and Philippe Schnobb got the platform screen doors project approved for the busiest stations on the orange line, and then the current provincial government basically forced the STM to abandon the plans. Schnobb is gone, and Sauvé no longer has a portfolio at City Hall or sits on STM’s board. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. The Cartierville station was right at the corner of Gouin Boulevard and Laurentian (now called Marcel-Laurin), and the Val Royal LaSalle lumberyard was roughly where the strip mall that has the Marché C&T is, just a bit to the east.
  17. My best friend’s dad, the family lived two houses away, was a conductor (and later a purser) aboard CN and then VIA in the corridor. He used to join the trains at Dorval, but once in a while he was scheduled from Central and we’d walk the 1½ miles together to Roxboro for the ride downtown as I commuted daily to school on Côte-St-Antoine road.
  18. We complained and made jokes about our train, but oh, how wonderful the memories you’ve stirred!
  19. Val Royal. Avant d’être renommé Bois Franc. 🙂 Merci pour les autres infos!
  20. Omg Si je ne me trompe pas, c’est l’unité appartenant (ou qui appartenait) à M. Finkelstein, qui à un moment donné était le président du division du Québec du Ferrari Club of America. J’ai visité ce bel appartement un couple de fois vers l’an 2001.
  21. Cartierville? Really? I remember that stub branch station had one train a day in each direction until maybe 1982, I took it once (by accident) and was resigned to continuing home on the 68 and 205. I don’t remember the train stopping at Val Royal, but it wouldn’t matter because I really was oblivious that I wasn’t heading to Roxboro! 😂
  22. Lol CAA is running test drives of different electric vehicles at the Salon d’Auto this week, and I gotta say, the route (St-Antoine/Viger/VM Tunnel/Mansfield/St-Antoine) is perfect for judging a car’s suspension. Sorry, been to China a few times, their roads and infra put ours to shame so badly. I’d love it if they came in and sold us back our Zefiro trains!
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