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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Covered? The tower is only set back a couple of metres from the podium.
  2. The trim pieces are definitely more white than gray.
  3. “It’s too nice. Make it more drab.”
  4. Really not a lot of finesse in building the outer shell of those car bodies. Very wavy.
  5. And bonus points for putting BCN in the foreground.😍
  6. Oh good. I thought he might’ve fallen through the ice
  7. IMHO, as much of a lefty as I am, is that if the government or city administration puts a historic or heritage banner on something, they should be they ones to pay for its upkeep or improvement. On this, I agree with @mtlurb. Enough is enough; if a sort-of-old relic — let’s face it, I’ve been to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, 65 or even 120 years isn’t old —if it’s really that symbolic to Montréal and our collective soul, then the feds or province or city have to find the money in the public coffers to take it off the owner’s hands and protect it or rebuild it. They can’t just regulate it to the point of abandon. Lol I think we need sarcasm font. I thought the wink was enough.
  8. You must be so grateful that that wooden building made out of concrete will block that hideous grain elevator.
  9. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Well, obviously, so people can enjoy the view of the Métropolis trains running across the canal!
  10. The Montréal tourism board should advance a project in cooperation with all the owners and developers to install LEDs and lasers all over the skyline, and a good sound system at the mountain lookouts and a couple of popular gathering places with a view. Hong Kong’s A Symphony of Lights is still just as popular as ever, and draws thousands of visitors and locals to the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront promenade (“Avenue of the Stars”) on Kowloon side and to the Wan Chai (Hong Kong side) waterfront at the Convention Centre every single night.
  11. I was just going to say that that’s my favourite angle, perhaps because we get to see the full length of the tower, but also because of the smooth shiny surface. I hate balconies.© ® ™
  12. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

  13. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

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