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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I wonder what video will run on the grand écran on Solstice… what a weird design element.
  2. Lol I don't often use the desktop version. I just noticed the count-up timer. 😆 When did that show up?
  3. Yeah I commuted on the DM train and the 24 bus to school from the Waste Island to Westmount for school every day from '79 to '83, and studied and worked downtown and NDG from '87 to '97. I can concur with what you saw. But from before Expo (can’t claim I saw that!) through the Olympic era (I did) and until the early '90s… clean, modern, safe.
  4. This belongs in a different thread, but I’ll just add that our priorities — or rather, our city administration’s priorities — are simply upside-down.
  5. I dunno, it must be my senility confusing my memory, but every time I mention how far downhill this city has gone, a barrage of “it was never clean” responses come my way. I maintain that there was a time when we were proud of how clean, modern, and safe it was in this city. That time is now only a fading memory for GenX like me and whomever’s left of the Olds.
  6. I think that must be the reason for the very effective trompe-oeil in the renders that make the setback appear quite a bit larger than it is in reality.
  7. If you leave the back corner of the seigneurie non-développé long enough, it becomes an “old-growth forest” and we should prevent the land owners from building on it.
  8. Minéraux-de-Boulogne
  9. I was at the Opening Ceremonies and a few days of Track & Field; my parents attended the Closing Ceremonies. They brought home the glow sticks, and at the time I thought those were the coolest things I’d ever seen.
  10. Really curious to see how that squared off roof slab transitions smoothly into the prefab ears…
  11. Careful, we’re going to get the Tangent Police to go off on a tangent before finding his arrow emojis Oops there he is Yay the merges are back
  12. I’m not poor, and I certainly ain’t gonna pay 25 bucks for that! It’s limiting for more than just the poor… I could go a few blocks up Saint Laurent and get my jollies for 25 bucks.
  13. Prolly easier to swing the bridge about 30° when they're done, save the trouble for next time.
  14. Guys I was just hoping. No clue what they’re doing.
  15. Ils installent les pare-éclaboussures💦☂️
  16. Now that dogs are allowed, can’t wait til I step in some siht
  17. Lol yes, even I have taken pictures of Batgirl
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