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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. It certainly looks that way, but that render is also completely incongruous with those in the header from CM’s site.
  2. I’m so attracted to this one. I really hope they stick to the original Chevalier Morales concepts.
  3. A relief line ça n’attire pas de nouveaux usagers.
  4. Seriously I’m tired of repeating myself. It’s the wrong mode. Period. The one info-graphic above was propaganda. It was revealed that the minitrains would run once every eight minutes at rush hour on each branch, so one every four minutes on the trunk heading downtown. We never got to see any O&D studies showing a need for the downtown leg beyond “relief” for a quickly-saturating Green line. A tram has easier access for short trips, while this elevated train requires leaving the street, and waiting for the next train. Ten billion dollars. For a system that has the same capacity offer as a bus. Or a tram. Both of which are more convenient. But because they’re less flashy than the proposed Gadgetbahn, they must be bad, right? Ok I give up. You win. We don’t need studies and projected ridership numbers. For a minirail that runs through many undeveloped or undevelopable areas. Basically a Train de l’est at 20 times the cost. That nobody except for a few nerds wants to see.
  5. The exposed corner columns suggest this is indeed the “taller” 12th floor.
  6. 300 pax times 15 minirails an hour equals 4500 pax an hour. At rush hour. Easily handled by trams. Or buses. Or BIXI. Or transport adapté. Or walking. Or… just about anything else that wouldn’t have cost $10 Billion (or likely more). Jesus this is a boring topic.
  7. Euhm not really. 40 metre minirail wagons running every 10 minutes isn’t capacious at all. Sydney’s CBD trams run in coupled pairs, 67 metres long, carrying up to 466 passengers at up to 80 km/h, every 90 seconds during special events and every 4 minutes the rest of the time.
  8. Tower portion will be prominent very soon
  9. Where there’s no will, there’s no way. Qui ne veult ne peult.
  10. Don’t forget that virtually every corporate-owned media outlet has an agenda dictated by the ownership group.
  11. 😂Oui mais qu’est-ce qu’on voit ici? Que ce soit le 12e ou le 13e, me semble que c’est beaucoup plus haut que les étages inférieurs…
  12. Yes, but what I’m seeing is the 12th floor looks taller (underneath the 13th floor terrace with the two-floor overhang at the base of the main tower).
  13. This thread is 10 years old and 269 pages long, but it’s impossible to find the header post with the information for the current project. Can anybody post that? I understand that the most recent forum software upgrades don't allow the repetition of header pages, but I honestly don’t know where to find all that information in one spot anymore. The first posts still talk about “university use” if that makes any sense.
  14. Beginning to doubt there will be any structured timber whatsoever on this project. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Lol it’s only half built, but the half that is built is almost ready to be inhabited!🤪
  16. Is it just me? Or does the 12th floor look taller than those beneath it?
  17. Lol it formatted better in Notes. I deleted… ➡️900, rue St-Jacques - 63 étages⬅️ ©le disparu
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