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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Maybe Rick Leckner will be able to see the illuminated top half of the "diamond," the rest of us will only see a "V" for "Victoria."
  2. It will be interesting to see how they protect the podium and the sidewalk now
  3. On the other side, the tiny bit that's installed rather looks quite pronounced. Kool, be prepared to eat your words...😝
  4. [aside]Lol the Rocco-initiated trend of using up-arrows to stick to the old-school netiquette of not quoting the post directly above is making me giggle[/aside]
  5. Wait and see. Tim Thomas is facing headwinds within his own cadre and in council. I wouldn't be shocked to see a compromise soon for the parking lot development, and CF will likely back-burner the bigger project until a more friendly mayor and council are elected. I also expect the province will stick their toes in the water and begin to make changes to how residential projects are approved, likely forcing boroughs and municipalities to accept projects within defined TOD zones.
  6. Having the financial authority over immovables doesn't automatically put a company in charge of the management of day-to-day operations. While Sam Steinberg was a hands-on owner, when the Caisse took over, they quickly offloaded operations to their SITQ subsidiary, and eventually the day-to-day operations were assigned to subcontracted entities.
  7. Every SkyTrain station in Vancouver ends up becoming an integral part of a true TOD, so what are they doing right?
  8. I can't think of any world city with a centuries-old heritage quarter that has a tourist monorail running through it. This is interesting. I assume this is a universal truth, but then it's an opportunity to renew that under-street infrastructure, which is the administration's justification for the ridiculously inflated price tag of our latest White Elephant on Pie-IX. The above notwithstanding, a tram from Berri-UQAM (I'd omit the Palais-CHUM leg) through the Vieux to the islands would run for a large part on existing or previously-existing right-of-way, brownfield and greenfield: de la Commune, Mill Point, du Havre, Pont de la Concorde, and the islands. I'd rather spend slightly more per kilometre on the stretches of Berri and de la Commune that need a full overhaul than have some hulking Gadgetbahn carnival ride forever marring the Vieux Port, Cité du Havre, and the islands.
  9. A modern tram would be so much cheaper and more efficient, and less of an eyesore. We don't need a concrete monstrosity defacing the Vieux and the islands. Why do we want to go back to the 60s so badly?
  10. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Odea, Linc, Imperia. Three small buildings with so much more character than almost any of the 120 m and taller banalities that have risen over the past decade.
  11. Everywhere in the West Island is within 4 km of a REM station! 😂😂
  12. I don't think they even build them that tough along the San Andreas. Wow
  13. "À 4 km du nouveau REM" 😄
  14. Absolutely. I do not decry them the opportunity taken. Just providing a reality check to anyone waving pompoms claiming the Caisse is the Second Coming because they could build a 67 km transit system for $120M/km.
  15. Yes, but while everybody is drinking the Kool-Aid and chanting the praises of the CDPQ for being able to build a 67 km transit system for "only $8 billion," let's not forget the number and scope of the outright gifts they were granted that enabled them to build it out for that low (~$120M/km) cost.
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