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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. This picture makes no sense; why are the leaves turning when it's very obviously July this week?
  2. Oh wow, I didn't realize there'd be "corner glass" all the way up. Cool.
  3. Only one "purple" line for the entire West Island, and it's only "purple" at rush hours? That's... dumb.
  4. The outside of this mall is as exciting as the inside of a friggin Tesla
  5. OK, I know not everybody visits these forums, but the tall tower was never a secret. Did people really rent in the first one with zero knowledge of the imminence second one going up?
  6. Cela ne devrait pas faire l’objet d’un débat. C'est absolument idiot l'idée d'envoyer un métro léger à 50 km du centre-ville à travers des kilomètres de champs, de forêts et de maisons unifamiliales juste pour desservir une petite banlieue hors de l'île. Plus de personnes vivent dans un kilomètre carré de RPP ou Montréal-Nord que dans l'ensemble de Lanaudière.
  7. Yes, even Rome, a capital city with more dysfunctionaries than skilled workers, maintains its public works significantly better than we do.
  8. So clean, you could eat off the floors
  9. For the love of all that is sane and good, please please please, metros are for dense areas, and good old-fashioned trains are for less dense areas. It's not rocket surgery.
  10. Nice. Thanks! It's a bit crazy to me (a layperson) that the "condo-style rentals" market is so hot here while the condo market has softened to the point of being unviable. I can't fathom spending $2200+ on a rental while building no equity, and I realize that a $400k mortgage at today's rates is more than $3000 a month, but... equity; rates will go down by the end of a typical three or five year term.
  11. Anybody trying to scan that barcode?
  12. I wonder if they've started taking off the shrink-wrap yet. Reckon it's just inspections and planning work this week.
  13. Ok I'll requalify it: a second tall tower years after the first (Roccas 1 and 2 were built sequentially).
  14. Ah yes, to me quite forgettable in that forest. Thanks!
  15. Has this city ever seen a second tower go up years after the first and the podium were completed? Quite novel.
  16. If someone has a Wayback Machine slice of from a year or so ago, I don't believe the "Train Control System" page mentioned more detailed timelines before, or Blue line service cuts in "late evenings or weekends" beginning in 2026.
  17. You likely won't see much activity from the ground until crane parts are delivered. The coffrages will then arrive and things will begin to move.
  18. Thank you for the information. Excuse my (continuing) cynicism, but with all the other corners cut since all the proposals were announced, it wouldn't shock me if they don't ever run two-car trains in revenue service.
  19. Have any two-car trains been run yet? I wonder if someone somewhere is ruing the decision to run coupled two-car units instead of just four-car, open-gang trains. What a mistake.
  20. Again, we never called it Coopérants. Ever. Nobody did. 1PVM was never "Royal Bank Tower," just "Place Ville Marie."
  21. I never called it that, nobody I know ever did. It was always "Tour" or "Place" de la Cathédrale.
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