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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Ahhh, the good old days when buildings were just articles of consumption to be used and discarded like anything else...
  2. Right now, the problem the airport has is they can't do any work on the "land side project" until the REM station build is at or above ground level. As the DG said, things will visibly pick up once that milestone is reached.
  3. How many people in this forum have mentioned that we need a RATM instead of an ARTM? That's what I'm talking about. Instead of putting out a call for tenders to contractors who inflate prices to cover their asses and make huge profits, the transit authority needs to become the contractor, hire the right people, buy and lease the equipment, and build the damn things.
  4. That view of the Hyatt (yeah, yeah, Evo) didn't really exist before. This will be a nice little piazzetta, and hopefully with private security it will remain clean and inviting.
  5. We have a stadium. It's S**t, but at least we have one. Yes, "we build something" is multi-purpose indeed.
  6. But you're omitting the fact that the Caisse's model puts ROI first, even if that means the wrong mode for the areas where it runs, or not integrating with the existing networks because it's cheaper to run it through brownfields or on autoroutes, hoping instead that developments will mushroom around it. “The Caisse wants people to live where they build the REM, the Caisse doesn’t want to build the REM where people live.” ® © ™ @SameGuy All I'm saying is that we need a transit authority with the muscle to create mandates to which any tendering group must adhere. The ARTM ain't it (as we all know).
  7. Again, we're not arguing about the same thing. I've long been enthusiastic about REM – the only REM, no need for "de l'ouest" – but I'm pragmatic and accept that it's imperfect. But that does not mean that the "REM" (or "la Caisse") model is a one-size-fits-all solution for all the mass transit needs of the metropolitan area.
  8. But in the "Caisse Paradigm" (🙄), they make the mandate fit with their profit motives, not with what the city actually needs. Île Bigras did not need a metro. The West Island did not need a metro. Meanwhile, dense areas that need a metro – Montreal-Nord, Vieux-Rosemont, Lachine, Côte-St-Luc, Ville-St-Pierre... will likely never see one, because the "Caisse" won't find a way to make it rentable. By giving the Caisse full autonomy with no accountability or a need to fulfill the city's needs, we've decided that developers' potential profits are more important than society's current and ongoing needs. And then we shake our heads at the public transit companies when they request government assistance to keep the existing systems barely functioning.
  9. It's the other way around. Why is "public-transit-as-social-service" so successful elsewhere in the world? Just because we are failing miserably at it doesn't mean we should throw in the towel and turn toward a for-profit, **ck-the-proles model.
  10. Public transit is supposed to be a public service. PPPs that have complete autonomy aren't necessarily a great idea for public transit. Private transit builders and operators in other cities around the world are indeed profitable, but they still adhere to the mandates of those cities' transit authorities. A city needs a proper public transit authority that has final say about the projects a city requires, and we do not have one.
  11. Ça veut dire "pour la mise en service prévue pour 2024." Ç'a déjà été annoncé que la station GFT est prévue être dévoilée en 2027, donc rien à faire avec ce reportage.
  12. Wait. You mean you've seen the workers on the site pack up their tools, close up the site, and go home? Or do you just not know what they are doing, because you all think that the only thing that builds a building is a crane?
  13. Ok I guess if I've seen them and they escape me, it must be nothing special ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. The state of suburban trains in Quebec in one picture.
  15. Is there a comfortable indoor connection between the two? I.e. not just some dank tunnel?
  16. Was going to say exactly this.
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