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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Was stuck on top of the 40/15 this morning and saw some movement over there.
  2. Looking at The Louvre in Brutalist architecture, it looks like something from an alien society.
  3. Hopefully in the future, they will think about adding the 13/Gouin stop just for transferring people, so they do not need to get off at Bois Franc and go back in the direction they want to go in: Deux Montagne or West Island. The same for the people from West Island and Deux Montagne that want to go to the airport. I am thinking of this only out of convenience.
  4. jesseps

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    Sooner or later they will need to raise the limit.
  5. I was laughing through the whole thing. She managed to get the VMR/TMR and Carbonleo to pause this project within weeks of starting the demo of some buildings, yet cannot force CSL and CN to do anything about the north / south extension of Cavendish, which would help a bit with the traffic around 520 and 40/15. I know they are working on a bypass now, that would be connecting Blue Bonnets and CSL, but that doesn't help the city of Montreal, it helps CSL! She better also fight for the Cavendish extension in its entirety. To me it makes sense to have a better flow of traffic in all areas, the faster you get to where you need to go, it will reduce the time you are in your car, which in turn burns less CO2. Sitting in traffic doesn't help. It is bad for the environment and our health. So please Valerie Plante, if you do force Carbonleo to do some modifications, you better force CSL and CN to do the same. /end -rant
  6. It be like a 12-18 km tunnel. Probably take 8-11 years to build. It shouldn't cost more than C$2.3B (C$85M per KM), based on the number I found for a 27 km tunnel being built in Norway below the sea. Have a toll system setup (1-way fee, daily fee, monthly fee), which would force people to either take public transit or carpool or find an alternative to get to where they are going, which would put pressure on other roadways.
  7. If the mayor really wants the pink line, she better start a Gofundme page, because the Pink Line will only happen in 30+ years from now. Look how long it took to get the go ahead to extend the blue line.
  8. Another one bites the dust. Better move it to the cancelled area, we all know the city loves to kill projects or stall them for 40+ years.
  9. Knowing Montreal and the province, something of that scale they need to spend $3million+ to study how to do the reconfig. The time to do the study, at least 2 years and to do all the work 3 years, which balloons to 5 years and 2-3x over budget. Best part is, after it is built, within a year it be crumbling. Things work at a snail's pace in this city, which is a shame.
  10. So much water accumulation today and so many potholes (many under water).
  11. Honestly they should really do a tunnel and urban boulevard. The tunnel can be used for going to/from one side of the city to the other as a bypass. Entrance/End: 520/40 Entrance/Exit: Decarie Entrance/Exit 15/Rockland Entrance/Exit: Papineau Entrance/End: Pie IX The left lane would be dedicated to trucks or cars going from one end to the other and not having to get off. Have cameras to catch and ticket people who use the lane to pass. The middle and right lane would be for people getting off at one of the exits or going all the way from one end to the other.
  12. I can't remember if it was RDI/ICI or CJAD that talked about this on Monday, that we should do more to make our city better for the winter and have more winter activities outdoors, so we get noticed more.
  13. I wonder who will be the first person to nearly die falling from that thing, from trying to take a selfie.
  14. Who knows Legault might come around in the next 3 years or so, if not Plante can always hope for the Liberals to come back into power in 2022. True, she will also have to win the 2021 mayoral election.
  15. Yah, it is a weird mix. Lets see how Legault pulls it off.
  16. It will be interesting to see who will buy it. Maybe Brookfield?
  17. So, nothing new. Same old traffic, until the end of time.
  18. I would rather have the government give the contract to Airbus and have them build it here. Forget about Boeing, they wanted to play around, now let them get burned.
  19. Canada Post / Purolator should work on a similar locker system to what Amazon uses and rent space within the station. It would bring revenue to the STM and it be more convenient. The plus side, if you did order from Amazon, they could just deliver it to the box and not the post office.
  20. So Royalmount is wrong, but redevelopment of Bluebonnets is alright? I do not think Legault will stop this project and Heritage Montreal can shut it, TMR is not part of the city.
  21. That is what is so amusing. Either you keep the place run down and the neighbourhood kids get hurt, because they are goofing around or build something that will bring people in the area and bring more revenue to the city. I totally understand the need for social / family housing at an affordable price. There has to be a middle ground, that both sides can come to an agreement.
  22. The president of CES talked about Montreal during the opening of CES 2019.
  23. Governments love to drag their feet and waste taxpayers money. If VIA rail was a private company, they would have worked out a way to construct a dedicated rail line for certain sections. Maybe the government should privatize the rail.
  24. Drove by today and the Autobody shop was torn down.
  25. I passed by today, but did not have a chance to take a picture. The old hippodrome is no more and guess what, they are using the Formula E barriers to keep people out.
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