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Defacing a war monument is not an anti-war statement.


Defacing a war monument is spitting on the graves of those who died to protect us during past conflicts. (Say, for example, World War 2 and the defeat of Hitler.)


Defacing a war monument shows a lack of respect, a lack of understanding, a lack of pride and a poor knowledge of history.


On top of it all... it's defacing public property.


If you want to make an anti-war stand, you don't desecrate a monument to past heroes. You find another way. Doing this sort of thing is incredibly cowardly.


6 months in prison, 500 hours of community service and a public apology. No less.


I totally agree with you on that, but try not to be so biased towards "war heroes". Try and understand that they aren't heroes to everyone. Yeah, during WW2 we were fighting evil, but what about other wars?


T'es habituellement assez nuancé Cataclaw, je crois bien que tu peux comprendre ça. ;)


And I agree that those who do that kind of stuff should at least get hours of community service. 500 sounds reasonable for a first offense. Some prison time for a second one. We're not talking about murderers here, after all.

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Oh what the fuck, really. Traitors? Ils ont bien le droit d'être contre ce que la guerre représente et tout ce qui s'y rattache.


Envoyer quelqu'un à Guantanamo parce qu'il exprime son opinion (d'une manière peu convenable, comme j'ai déjà dit)? À Guantanamo? Tu fais exprès pour être aussi stupide ou c'est naturel chez toi?


I don't give a shit if you're saying I'm getting personal. Anyone saying stupid stuff like you deserves that.


War memorials don't represent this country. They're a great way to show respect to those who fought in the war, but they also show, to some, how stupid war is. Maybe instead of saying they're traitors and should be sent to Guantanamo, you should try and understand their motivations, even if you don't agree with them. Maybe then you would become a little bit less extreme when it comes to patriotic subjects.

I can't believe this.

We're all aware that your pea-sized brain is unable to fully appreciate or comprehend the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform have made on our behalf. However, it is still NO EXCUSE whatsoever for not fully denouncing the desecration of a WAR MEMORIAL. How can you be so completely ignorant of this country's history? Were you dropped on your head on as a child, or spoon fed well until adulthood? Everything is about making a political statement isn't it? How petty. You (and your parents for raising such an ignoramus) should be ashamed of yourselves.

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I totally agree with you on that, but try not to be so biased towards "war heroes". Try and understand that they aren't heroes to everyone. Yeah, during WW2 we were fighting evil, but what about other wars?

The Taliban are victims, right? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


How soon we forget.......

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I totally agree with you on that, but try not to be so biased towards "war heroes". Try and understand that they aren't heroes to everyone. Yeah, during WW2 we were fighting evil, but what about other wars?


T'es habituellement assez nuancé Cataclaw, je crois bien que tu peux comprendre ça. ;)


And I agree that those who do that kind of stuff should at least get hours of community service. 500 sounds reasonable for a first offense. Some prison time for a second one. We're not talking about murderers here, after all.


I don't think i'm being biased at all.


Personally i believe that all soldiers that fight are brave and worthy of our respect. But anyway. If only the world wars were "noble and just" because we were fighting evil, and all other wars were unjustified and wrong, we still come to a logical conclusion that defacing a war monument is just plain wrong, because WW2 vets are included in those honored by the monument.


Autrement dit, je vais t'avouer qu'il y a eu des guerres disons "douteuses" dans le passé, mais si on considère qu'un monument aux vétérans ça inclut TOUS les vétérans, et bien ça veut dire ceux de la deuxième guerre mondiale aussi. Donc vandaliser un monument comme celui-ci c'est cracher sur des héros.


MTLskyline and JFrosty, take it easy guys :) No need to start a flame war! :chillpill::relieved:


I think we all agree on one thing here: this was an ugly act of vandalism, if nothing else.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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I can't believe this.

We're all aware that your pea-sized brain is unable to fully appreciate or comprehend the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform have made on our behalf.


Give me a break. You don't understand shit either, from my point of view. You're blinded by your patriotism, your religion and your conservative views on life.


However, it is still NO EXCUSE whatsoever for not fully denouncing the desecration of a WAR MEMORIAL. How can you be so completely ignorant of this country's history?


Oh yeah, sorry, you're socially retarded. I forgot difference of opinions is most probably an act of treason for you, too. Never said I support what they did. Just said they most probably had a reason for it, and I could understand why, in a way.


Were you dropped on your head on as a child, or spoon fed well until adulthood? Everything is about making a political statement isn't it?

How petty. You (and your parents for raising such an ignoramus) should be ashamed of yourselves.


You're such an example of virtue.

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I don't think i'm being biased at all.


Personally i believe that all soldiers that fight are brave and worthy of our respect.


I believe most soldiers are fighting for the good reasons. Can't say all of them are, though. Just look at the news, or history.


And the ones starting the wars aren't always doing it for the right reasons either.


Hence why I just can't completely be for war memorials, even though I wouldn't ever deface them or anything, because the people on them probably deserved their place.

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Give me a break. You don't understand shit either, from my point of view. You're blinded by your patriotism, your religion and your conservative views on life.

Blinded is not the correct word in this situation. Perhaps you mean guided. Go ahead, look it up if you have to. My post will still be here when you get back.


Oh yeah, sorry, you're socially retarded. I forgot difference of opinions is most probably an act of treason for you, too. Never said I support what they did. Just said they most probably had a reason for it, and I could understand why, in a way.

Everyone is allowed to have differences of opinion. Desecrating a war monument is not rightfully expressing your freedom of speech. It is an extremely disrespectful and highly offensive act of vandalism. War memorials such as these are usually meant to honour the veterans who served in the two World Wars. Making a political statement in such a case is distasteful, low-class, and most of all, extremely disrespectful of the sacrifices made by previous generations on your behalf. Its because of them that you have the right to free speech.


Why are you defending the vandals? Ideology. You cringe at the sight of patriotism, war memorials and nationalism. So much so, that you are willing to defend the intentions of a remarkably foolish vandal against the rightfully angered townspeople.


You're such an example of virtue.

An example that is best followed.

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Once again, please read my first post. I said that I understand what kind of message they could be trying to send by tagging the war memorial, but I don't agree with the way they're doing it.


Everything is so black and white with you, it's quite disturbing.

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Defacing a war monument is not an anti-war statement.


Defacing a war monument is spitting on the graves of those who died to protect us during past conflicts. (Say, for example, World War 2 and the defeat of Hitler.)


Defacing a war monument shows a lack of respect, a lack of understanding, a lack of pride and a poor knowledge of history.


On top of it all... it's defacing public property.


If you want to make an anti-war stand, you don't desecrate a monument to past heroes. You find another way. Doing this sort of thing is incredibly cowardly.


6 months in prison, 500 hours of community service and a public apology. No less.


You are bang on Cataclaw! Both my grandfather's were in the war (WWII) Leningrad and Northern Africa and although it wasn't representative of their views at the time, they went on to fight and to protect us. I am soooo proud of them (God rest their souls) that it sickens me to no end when I see behavior from ignorant people such as these defacing a public a memorial monument.


These twirps are juveniles and should be thought a lesson in history, than 1 yr of community service by removing all of the insane graffitti's that have plague are wonderful city of late.


Hiding in the shadows of the night defacing public property is simply a juvenile act without any knowledge of the consequences.

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You are bang on Cataclaw! Both my grandfather's were in the war (WWII) Leningrad and Northern Africa and although it



Canadian soldiers didn't fight in Leningrad, I think that the only country that had soldiers in both places is Germany.

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