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Read "Sorry I Don't Speak French" by Graham Fraser. Contrary to what most people think, Montreal is more bilingual than Ottawa.


I have that book and read it about 2 years ago. A very good read! I don't think there's anyone on this forum that actually believes Ottawa is more bilingual than Montreal.

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Je ne suis pas négatif, je suis réaliste! Ce n'est pas moi qui vit sur un nuage...qui espère que tout va se replacer comme par magie. Comme si le passé(et le présent) ne compte pour rien!


Encore une fois, je ne sais pas ou tu vois que j'ignore la réalité politique du Québec. Tu lis des choses que je n'écris pas.


Encore une fois, je ne fais qu'affirmer que lors des Jeux Olympiques, les sentiments anti-Québec et anti-Canada sont diminués pour la durée des jeux, et ceci dans un context plutôt sportif.


I don't know where you get off saying i'm living on a cloud, man. It's you that can't read!! :confused::confused::eek:

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The reason I say you live on a cloud is because you act like everything is rosey and hunkydory(?spelling?) when it obviously isn't! Have you read the shit that was written in some of the english newspapers this week-end? How dare we(francophones) complain that there wasn't enough French in the opening ceremony. We should shut the fvck up and take what they give us. Once again, this is proof that we will never be equals in this "country"! It's only a matter of time before we have our own country. A place where we'll actually feel like we belong. A place we can call home!


Look, I respect you and most of your opinions. I don't want to get into a pissing match with's just that sometimes I get the impression you're a cheerleader for the Liberal party of Canada and you go around giving out Canadian Flags and signing the National anthem to anyone who'll listen to you.(obviously, i'm exagerating here!!) ;)

Modifié par Habsfan
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The reason I say you live on a cloud is because you act like everything is rosey and hunkydory(?spelling?) when it obviously isn't! Have you read the shit that was written in some of the english newspapers this week-end? How dare we(francophones) complain that there wasn't enough French in the opening ceremony. We should shut the fvck up and take what they give us. Once again, this is proof that we will never be equals in this "country"! It's only a matter of time before we have our own country. A place where we'll actually feel like we belong. A place we can call home!


Look, I respect you and most of your opinions. I don't want to get into a pissing match with's just that sometimes I get the impression you're a cheerleader for the Liberal party of Canada and you go around giving out Canadian Flags and signing the National anthem to anyone who'll listen to you.(obviously, i'm exagerating here!!) ;)


You know, just because some in the media have certain opinions doesn't mean it's like that everywhere. Maybe it's the glasses. When it comes to this, you see everything through a separatist tint, so you always see negative. I see things through a federalist tint, so i'm more inclined to see the positives.


Here's the thing though : those idiots spouting off at Quebec are always there, they always write nonsense in the papers. Regular folks, on the other hand, aren't necessarily so bigoted.


If just 1 person feels differently due to the spirit of these games, then it's like i said, for a brief time we are more united (if only by a factor of 1 person). And since Monctezuma already said he agrees with me, there's that 1 person. My argument is now factually correct. Plus there are thousands more i'm sure!


I know some people will always see and there will always be deep divisions. I'm not contesting that. What i'm contesting is refusal to admit that during the olympics those attitudes change, if only temporarily and superficially.


This very slight and temporary unity isn't imaginary though; it's real. It'll revert to the way it was afterward, but for now, it's real. It's like how 9/11 united Americans... temporarily. Or how a Stanley Cup unites francophones and anglophones in Montreal... temporarily. I'm not cheering for the liberal party of Canada. I'm cheering for Canada, period. And i'm cheering for Quebec, period. And i'm cheering for Montreal, period. To me, it's possible to be a member of all 3 of those. Anyway, in really blunt terms, what i'm trying to say is: "man let's all STFU and put away the divisions for 2 freaking weeks so we can cheer for our athletes who deserve our support."



Anyway, i ain't livin' on no cloud, but i do suppose we have a difference of opinion, Habsfan. Let's respect that difference and move on.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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The victim card played by people on both sides of the fence is tiring. Maybe if people complained a little less and instead tried to find solutions we'd get somewhere eventually. The failures of official bilingualism in English Canada, due in part by the extent that their own language is protected against in Quebec (to a great extent by people who want to separate from their country in the first place), is hardly an insurmountable obstacle. If the Europe of the early 1940's was able to become the Europe of 2010, I highly doubt the language issue in Canada is an impossible problem to tackle if the will existed. Perhaps it's an issue of chicken and egg, but I highly doubt bilingualism in the ROC will suddenly warm the hearts of most soveriegnists to the idea of Canada.


A place where we'll actually feel like we belong. A place we can call home!


Many Quebecois have a country they call home; it's called Canada. If sovereignists don't feel comfortable living in that country that's fine with me. But lets not act like if every word spoken in English during the opening ceremonies was repeated in perfect French that hardcore sovereignists would have any change of heart.


The will to be part of Canada must exist before the will to fix Canada can have any impact.


While I don't know them personally, it didn't seem the three Quebecois who represented Canada at the men's moguls event had any problem flaunting those maple leafs at the palms of their gloves. Being proud Canadians is their prerogative. Just the same, wanting not to be part of Canada is yours.

Modifié par rosey12387
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While I don't know them personally, it didn't seem the three Quebecois who represented Canada at the men's moguls event had any problem flaunting those maple leafs at the palms of their gloves. Being proud Canadians is their prerogative. Just the same, wanting not to be part of Canada is yours.


Yeah, cause last time a Québec born athlete dared to bring a tiny little Québec flag with them to the podium, they were crucified in the media!

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While I don't know them personally, it didn't seem the three Quebecois who represented Canada at the men's moguls event had any problem flaunting those maple leafs at the palms of their gloves. Being proud Canadians is their prerogative. Just the same, wanting not to be part of Canada is yours.




C'est parce que depuis l'incident dont parle Habsfan, maintenant Team Canada interdit tout drapeau autre que celui du Canada pour ne plus créer de polémiques

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C'est parce que depuis l'incident dont parle Habsfan, maintenant Team Canada interdit tout drapeau autre que celui du Canada pour ne plus créer de polémiques


I don’t see how a ban on provincial flags somehow invalidates the fact that Quebec athletes took the effort to flaunt the maple leafs on their gloves to the camera after their runs. Furthermore, while I disagree with it, I don’t think that “crucifixion” by the media regarding the Quebec flag was so illogical either. Let’s not kid our ourselves here, the Quebec flag is far more than a provincial flag, far more than a symbol of Quebec pride and nationalism; it is the most resounding symbol of the Quebec sovereignty movement. And for some, the matter of Quebec sovereignty cannot be separated from its flag. An Ontario flag would not have had the same impact and you both know very well why.

Modifié par rosey12387
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