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Portes palières sur la ligne orange


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Tsé quand t'arrives même pu à vider les poubelles et nettoyer tes trains, y'a des priorités à respecter (genre payer 100k le changeur bête comme ses pieds qui mâche de la gomme en t'ignorant). P-R-I-O-R-I-T-É-S.

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2 hours ago, mashdash said:

I don't think this will be happening any time soon now, I asked on twitter and they said it's suspended 

Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 5.09.09 PM.png

Yeah, unfortunately we learned this last week. They must have been pretty far along in the studies, because the last time Craig Sauvé mentioned the plan they were still basing the costs on $10M per station, and at last week’s announcement they mentioned a cost closer to $568M for the orange line’s 31 stations, almost double.

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3 hours ago, SameGuy said:

Yeah, unfortunately we learned this last week. They must have been pretty far along in the studies, because the last time Craig Sauvé mentioned the plan they were still basing the costs on $10M per station, and at last week's announcement they mentioned a cost closer to $568M for the orange line's 31 stations, almost double.

I actually asked this last weekend and they responded on Monday. Just curious, where did you hear about the project being canceled?

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8 minutes ago, mashdash said:

I actually asked this last weekend and they responded on Monday. Just curious, where did you hear about the project being canceled?


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  • 2 mois plus tard...

Au lieu de commencer par un gros morceau comme la ligne orange ils pourraient prendre une petite bouchée comme la jaune ou, plus wise selon moi, la bleue avec le prolongement.

Ça sonne comme un projet planned to fail pour faire couler de l'ancre.

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The plan was to do a small tranche of the Orange stations at first, the stations that are currently crammed at rush hours (something like Cremazie to Berri).

The trains used on the Yellow and Blue are incompatible with doors if we want to future-proof the system, as all new fleet orders will share the Azur’s specs (three wider doors vs the MR-73’s four slightly narrower doors).

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Anyway y'a pu vraiment de gros rush hour. À quoi ça sert de dépenser de l'argent là dedans quand les stations tombent en ruine, et que l'entretien de base ne se fait même pas? Sérieusement. Réparez les craques partout avant de rajouter des bébelles.

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Il y a 1 heure, Rocco a dit :

Sérieusement. Réparez les craques partout avant de rajouter des bébelles.

C’est quand même loin d’être une bébelle, mais je suis quand même d’accord par rapport à ta priorisation. Redonner une fierté au réseau de métro, tout le monde va en bénéficier.

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