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Portes palières sur la ligne orange


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il y a 9 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

They’re spending billions to modernize the signalling on NY’s MTA subway, not beautifying the stations.

We are not talking of beautifying. We are talking of taking care of cracking ceilings, cracking floors, cracking walls, waterfalls on the walls and what else..... Thats not beautifying. Thats maintenance. And that comes BEFORE gadget doors preventing a cell phone to drop on the rails. 

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il y a 53 minutes, Rocco a dit :

We are not talking of beautifying. We are talking of taking care of cracking ceilings, cracking floors, cracking walls, waterfalls on the walls and what else..... Thats not beautifying. Thats maintenance. And that comes BEFORE gadget doors preventing a cell phone to drop on the rails. 

Les portes palières sont pas juste pour que tu n'échappes pas ton telephone sur les rails, mais pour empêcher les suicides, empêcher que quelqu'un tombe quand les quais sont pleins. Samedi soir le métro était bondé, donc oui elles sont toujours d'actualité. Si on veux une meilleure maintenance ça va aussi avec sécuriser les quais. 

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il y a 7 minutes, Dominic723 a dit :

Les portes palières sont pas juste pour que tu n'échappes pas ton telephone sur les rails, mais pour empêcher les suicides, empêcher que quelqu'un tombe quand les quais sont pleins. Samedi soir le métro était bondé, donc oui elles sont toujours d'actualité. Si on veux une meilleure maintenance ça va aussi avec sécuriser les quais. 

Ça fait 60 ans que le métro existe et on a réussi à passer au travers sans portes pallières. Qui tombe quand le quai est plein sérieusement? On va tu arrêter d'infantiliser le monde à outrance? Et pour les suicides, eh bien ils vont se suicider ailleurs, donc ça empêchera pas ça. Mais oui tu seras pas retardé pour aller à ton boulot ce jour là 🙄

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Il y a 5 heures, SameGuy a dit :

The plan was to do a small tranche of the Orange stations at first, the stations that are currently crammed at rush hours (something like Cremazie to Berri).

The trains used on the Yellow and Blue are incompatible with doors if we want to future-proof the system, as all new fleet orders will share the Azur’s specs (three wider doors vs the MR-73’s four slightly narrower doors).

Yeah you are right, i forgot that the MR-73 are still in service on those lines! Do you know if they are planning on replacing them in a foreseeable future?

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il y a 2 minutes, Kodun a dit :

Yeah you are right, i forgot that the MR-73 are still in service on those lines! Do you know if they are planning on replacing them in a foreseeable future?

No. Maximum capacity Azur have been bought. They dont have enough specialized maintenance equipment for any extra ones. Government has not extended more orders. All Azur have already been delivered and the MR-73 remaining will be maintained for at least the next 20 years. Probably by then we wont be able to see thru the windows due to the quantity of crass. Have you seen the Azur lately? My finger was BLACK when I swiped it on the car. Its disgusting. Crass everwhere even on new equipement.

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il y a une heure, Rocco a dit :

No. Maximum capacity Azur have been bought. They dont have enough specialized maintenance equipment for any extra ones. Government has not extended more orders. All Azur have already been delivered and the MR-73 remaining will be maintained for at least the next 20 years. Probably by then we wont be able to see thru the windows due to the quantity of crass. Have you seen the Azur lately? My finger was BLACK when I swiped it on the car. Its disgusting. Crass everwhere even on new equipement.

I see, well honestly the MR-73 seems to be the god tier of rolling stocks in terms of reliability and ease of repair & maintenance, they will probably come up in better shape when they retire in 20 years than those Azures, only 10 years for those on the green line, the crowd is just horrible there.

I haven't taken the metro for a while but i used to for years, the crassness was always bad and the general state devolved when those micro construction sites spreaded in the network like wild fires, laying pipes and electrical conduits all around like spiders on meth, stashing speakers, cameras and god knows what in every corners, and what about those temporary plywood shelters everywhere? I'm sure there must be people living and dying in some. I'm sad to hear they already started boxing hard the Azures but it was a matter of time, just enraging to see it becomes another fatality when it shouldn't be (what are all those cameras for??).

I plan on going around downtown soon and will take the metro to get there, i'll post my reactions if i make it back XD

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...
Le 2022-03-29 à 22:10, Kodun a dit :

Yeah you are right, i forgot that the MR-73 are still in service on those lines! Do you know if they are planning on replacing them in a foreseeable future?

2036 earliest date.

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Never say never, but yeah, so many diverse elements have conspired in the last five years to “changer la donne.” It’s easy to see why PSDs are no longer on the table, while a MR-73 fleet replacement is being shuffled to the much longer term.

I’d be willing to bet that if Bombardier Transportation were still itself, the outlook might be different. Even though the Caisse is the single largest stakeholder in Alstom, it’s not the same.

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  • 1 année plus tard...
Le 2022-03-29 à 21:54, Rocco a dit :

Ça fait 60 ans que le métro existe et on a réussi à passer au travers sans portes pallières. Qui tombe quand le quai est plein sérieusement? On va tu arrêter d'infantiliser le monde à outrance? Et pour les suicides, eh bien ils vont se suicider ailleurs, donc ça empêchera pas ça. Mais oui tu seras pas retardé pour aller à ton boulot ce jour là 🙄

Qu'ils se suicident ailleurs, l'important est qu'ils ne bloquent pas le métro.

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