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Le Square Children's (Projet Global) - 38, 27, 27, 27 et 25 étages


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-Pour les architectes et les amateurs d'architecture: pouvez-vous rêver d'un projet aussi excitant que celui que fut le Westmount Square il y a 50 ans?


Pour ma part, un bon projet aurait intégré beaucoup plus que le petit bâtiment au coin Sud-Ouest.

La partie ancienne sur Tupper méritait d'être préservée, tout comme la cheminée qui aurait pu devenir un repère et un élément central intéressant du projet..

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Future of Montreal Children's site hangs in the balance



More from Marian Scott, Montreal Gazette

Published on: May 6, 2015

Last Updated: May 6, 2015 8:55 PM EDT

Local resident Hélène Cornellier, in front of the Montreal Children's Hospital, said creating a people-oriented project in the former hospital would boost community spirit.

Local resident Hélène Cornellier, in front of the Montreal Children's Hospital, said creating a people-oriented project in the former hospital would boost community spirit.


Allen McInnis / Montreal Gazette


For sale: one hospital, sleeps 132 pint-sized patients. Just steps from a park, downtown restaurants and shopping. Art deco gem, needs TLC. Inclusions: hand-painted murals with ladybugs and sheep on roller blades, laundry facilities galore. Motivated vendor! Evaluated at $47.5 million. Make an offer!

The Montreal Children’s Hospital goes up for sale Thursday, as the Quebec government seeks to recoup part of the cost of the new $2.355-billion McGill University Health Centre.


With the pediatric hospital set to move to the Glen site May 24, local community organizations warned the future of the 13,954-square-metre site could make or break efforts to revive the downtown Shaughnessy Village district.


“It’s just so depressing to see a vacant old building. And then it’s not servicing the people it needs to service. It would be a total shame,” said Claire Adamson, a local resident and founder of Coalition Sauvons les 5 sites hospitaliers.


In recent years, Shaughnessy Village — a former Victorian residential neighbourhood bounded by Sherbrooke, Guy, Atwater Sts. and the Ville-Marie expressway — has undergone something of a renaissance, with condo construction, the renovation of Cabot Square and the expansion of Concordia University.


But vacant storefronts, homelessness, lack of green space and community facilities continue to plague the district, which lost its anchor, the former Montreal Forum, in 1996.


While McGill University has plans to acquire the Royal Victoria Hospital, which moved out April 26, the Children’s faces an uncertain fate.


Government departments and public-sector institutions had the opportunity to express interest in the hospital after it was designated as excess property in December but no one did, said Julie Paquet, a spokesperson for the MUHC. “There is no one who wanted it or had the means to take it over,” she said.


Calls for tenders from potential buyers were published in the Montreal Gazette and La Presse Thursday. Interested parties have until July to make bids, Paquet said.


Local organizations have long hoped to transform the Children’s site into the proposed Village santé des Grands-Jardins, which would include a CLSC, daycare, mental-health services, birthing centre, early-childhood development centre, housing cooperative and housing for vulnerable seniors.


The proposed project also calls for an elementary school, library and affordable condos.


But the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de la Montagne, which had been spearheading the project, is no longer a player because it is being merged into a larger agency under Health Minister Gaétan Barrette’s health-care overhaul under Bill 10.


Last month, the government set up a new network overseeing health care across the west-central part of the island of Montreal, the Centre interuniversitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.


The CIUSSS has not yet made a decision on whether it has any interest in the Children’s site, said spokesperson Hugo Larose. “It’s too early to answer,” he said.




The Village plan

But local organizations are still determined to press ahead with the Village Santé project, said Stéphane Febbrari Vermette, coordinator of the Peter-McGill Community Council, representing about 50 community organizations.


Vermette said community groups are prepared to make what he described as a competitive offer for the property, although he said it would not be as much as the assessed value of $47.5 million.


He said local groups would seek a developer willing to work in partnership with non-profit groups to create a project that would redevelop half the site for condos while retaining the rest for community purposes. Funding could come from public agencies in fields such as public housing and mental health, and from the local borough, he said.


“This would be a dream come true for the community,” Vermette said. “It would address real needs.”


Citizens’ groups are also pushing for a park on the site of the former Franciscan monastery on the south side of René-Lévesque Blvd. west of Fort St., which burned down in 2010.


Vermette said the district is one of the most densely inhabited in Montreal and noted that while the ongoing condo boom is bringing scores of new residents into the downtown core, there has not been a corresponding increase in facilities like parks, schools or community centres.


The hospital, whose oldest section dates back to 1919, started out as the Western General Hospital, which merged with Montreal General Hospital in 1924. It became the Montreal Children’s Hospital in 1956, after the Montreal General moved to its current site on Cedar Ave.


Steve Shanahan, city councillor for the Peter McGill district, said the sale of the Children’s offers an exciting opportunity to meet community needs while spurring new development.


“We can have a community centre built in. We can have a community health centre built in. We can have housing for seniors. We can have housing for young families. We can have penthouses for the rich and famous, too. I’m not anti-business. If you want to park your Maserati in there, great, but we also have to have a real balance in there,” said Shanahan, who announced in March that he will run for the Conservative Party in the next federal election.


“I’ve heard every single developer that works on the island of Montreal would like to get their hands on that property,” he said.


In 2013, a study on bringing major league baseball back to Montreal touted the Children’s as a possible site for a stadium.


Shanahan said he favours tearing down the existing buildings and starting over, while Adamson, an architect, said the buildings are sound and should be renovated.


Adamson said the hospital’s walls contain asbestos and demolition costs would be enormous.


Need for local services


Local resident Hélène Cornellier said creating a people-oriented project in the former hospital would boost community spirit among residents of the neighbourhood, which has a highly transient population and few facilities for seniors, families and other people on low incomes.


“It’s not a place for living — it’s a place for doing business,” she said, noting that many parents are forced to take their children to neighbouring Westmount for school, daycare and extracurricular programs.


“We want services nearby,” she said.


Instead of selling the hospital to the highest bidder, the government should seize the opportunity to create a project that would address residents’ needs, Cornellier said.


“Citizens are what make a city,” she said.


Montreal Children’s Hospital by the numbers


13,954 square metres — Land occupied by the hospital


47,113 square metres — Floor space


6 — Buildings


132 — Beds


5,648 — Hospital admissions in 2013-2014


129,132 — Outpatient visits in 2013-2014


76,830 — Emergency visits in 2013-2014


13 — Storeys in highest building, the 1953 C wing


1919 — Year when the oldest part of the hospital, the F wing, with entrance flanked by two-storey columns facing René-Lévesque Blvd., was built


1931 — Date when the 11-storey art deco D wing on Tupper St. was constructed


1954 — Date when eight-storey A wing, facing parking lot, was built


1973 — Date when newest part of the hospital, the main entrance and emergency room, was constructed


$47.5 million — Estimated value


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Modifié par IluvMTL
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Une étude de volumétrie qui donne une première idée de ce qui pourrait être proposé, en ne conservant que le petit immeuble à colonnes. On est donc encore loin du concept final et il faudra attendre plus de détails. Surtout voir comment le projet sera reçu par les gens du quartier.

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Apart from the glass hotel, all I see is grey, grey, and more grey. My expectations were bang on!!! Can we ever incorporate other shapes then just square boxes in this town?!?!?


C'est très prématuré de discuter sur l'apparence des immeubles, le concept n'a même pas été présenté à la Ville ou l'arrondissement et encore moins approuvé.

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