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Le Square Children's (Projet Global) - 38, 27, 27, 27 et 25 étages


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25 minutes ago, UrbMtl said:

Old pictures that are over a year old. They are out of date.

Does anyone have a link for the elusive new redering?

Google images dates the pictures to 4 days ago.

The picture on the bottom is currently on the Devimco website for this project.

Modifié par newyorkontario
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Il y a 6 heures, newyorkontario a dit :

Does anyone have a link for the elusive new redering?

Google images dates the pictures to 4 days ago and the article is from March 2018:

The bottom pic is also on the Devimco website for this project.

T'es pourtant très actif et ancien sur le forum. T'as même ajouté ton "confused" après ma mise à jour assez exhaustive. ?

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15 minutes ago, UrbMtl said:

You're very active and old on the forum. You even added your "confused" after my update quite exhaustive. ?

None of those pictures match the pictures I put up.

I put the "confused" icon up because I do not see any new rendering for this project (like Ousb mentioned). Google images dated the top view photo from only 4 days ago.

What do you mean I'm very active and old on the forum?

Modifié par newyorkontario
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Il y a 6 heures, newyorkontario a dit :

None of those pictures match the pictures I put up.

I put the "confused" icon up because I do not see any new rendering for this project (like Ousb mentioned). Google images dated the top view photo from only 4 days ago.

What do you mean I'm very active and old on the forum?

Si elles ne match pas, c'est parce que les tiennes ne sont pas à jour. Il s'agit d'anciens rendus de l'ensemble du développement. Au moins 2 promoteurs font evoluer leur projet indépendamment de l'autre. On n'aura plus de rendu global. Il s'agit de plusieurs projets dorénavant.

EDIT : simple recherche sur google : 2017

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13 hours ago, UrbMtl said:

If they do not match, it's because you're not up to date. These are old renderings of the entire development. At least two promoters have their project evolve independently of the other. We will no longer have global rendering. These are several projects from now on.

EDIT: simple search on google : 2017

Okay ... there's Devimco (Children's site). And there's Batimo (Atwater Street) too, now .  Devimco is currently using the "old picture" on its website.  And 2 or more (independent) projects ... okay. Gotcha (I "think", smh)

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On 2017-04-25 at 10:48 AM, vincethewipet said:

Nom:  Le Square Children's

Hauteur en étages: 20 à 32 étages

Hauteur en mètres: 

Coût du projet: 400 millions

Promoteur: Devimco


Entrepreneur général: 

Emplacement: ancien Montreal Children's Hospital

Début de construction: 

Fin de construction: 

Site internet: 

Lien webcam: 

Autres informations: 1 400 unités de logements, commerces, bureaux, hôte, centre communautaire, espaces verts et volet communautaire. 7 immeubles en tout.


Aperçu artistique du projet: 



Autres images: 


Vidéo promotionnelle: 

I heard from someone who attended the meeting last night that they are waiting for approval from Westmount to demolish the remaining building. (A very small part of that building is in Westmount.)

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Le 2018-05-31 à 20:28, curious a dit :

I heard from someone who attended the meeting last night that they are waiting for approval from Westmount to demolish the remaining building. (A very small part of that building is in Westmount.)

Quand on parle d'impondérables, voilà un bon exemple d'un problème inattendu qui cause un retard pour cause de bureaucratie. Ou le promoteur aurait-il oublié de faire une demande de démolition pour cette portion d'édifice qui dépend d'une autre administration? Une chose est sûre il n'y a pas de délai sans raison, encore faut-il la connaitre. On n'est jamais au bout de nos surprises dans le beau monde de la construction.

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