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Douanes américaines - Gare Centrale

andre md

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il y a 9 minutes, p_xavier a dit :

Oh, je pensais que c'était plus récent. Le Canada vient d'enteriner le traité il y a un peu plus d'un mois. Au moins ça donne une bonne indication.

Comme je le mentionne dans un commentaire précédent, il va falloir attendre à l'automne avant que la loi permettant le prédédouanement soit entériné par le parlement.

Je me demande combien de temps pourra prendre la construction des installations à partir de là.

Chose certaine, Amtrak a hâte. Ils ont fait circuler un train d'essai entre le Vermont et Montréal cette semaine.


Amtrak inspection train travels 'Montrealer' route

By Kevin Burkholder | July 18, 2017
ST. ALBANS, Vt. — An Amtrak inspection trip ran today from St. Albans to Montreal over the normally freight only Swanton Subdivision of both New England Central and Canadian National.Montrealer service ended in 1995 and more than two dozen rail and government officials were aboard the consist of Amtrak P42 101, Amcafe 43371 and American View, the Viewliner theater inspection car. Stops were made enroute to inspect various structures and track for upgrading to restore Amtrak Montrealer. 
Major waypoints on the route included:
St. Albans
Alburgh Trestle 
Alburgh Springs
Lacolle, Quebec
Cantic, Q.C.
and Montreal
The Amtrak Montrealer Inspection Train crosses the Richelieu River just before stopping for a ground-level inspection of the bridge. The train ran as Amtrak 881/CN P69921-18 as it headed for Montreal from St. Albans, Vt., on July 18.

Cela laisse croire qu'ils seront prêts à relancer le Vermonter vers Montreal dès que les douanes entreront en service à la Gare Centrale.

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Le 7/30/2017 à 08:40, jesseps a dit :

How much time would it save if they checked people in Montreal and not Lacolle?

I honestly would love to take the train, if it was more frequent and/or quicker.

Well, from what my parents have told me about their trip to New York aboard an Amtrak train, several problems arose from checking passports at Rouses Point. For example, if someone doesn't have their papers in order, they will have to get off the train and the whole train will wait for them to come back once the checkup is completely done and they're allowed to enter the country.


If this was done BEFORE boarding, it would prevent this kind of situation since everybody would already be cleared to enter the USA and there wouldn't be any nasty surprises on the way.

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Pour avoir pris le train de Amtrak pour N-Y récemment, c'est surtout la douane canadienne qui est interminable. Ils font sortir des tonnes de gens pour un contrôle aléatoire (certains ne sont jamais remontés), ils questionnent longuement tout le monde (sauf si tu parles français), un agent a passé 10 minutes à questionner notre voisin sud-coréen sur son service militaire (obligatoire en Corée du Sud à ce que je sache)... Pour aller aux États-Unis, ils passent avec une machine électronique pour vérifier les passeports, posent juste les questions pertinentes (tu vas où, pourquoi, combien de temps) et ça prend pas mal moins de temps, selon mon expérience... Bref, il faudrait aussi un contrôle du côté américain pour retourner au Canada.

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Il y a 16 heures, ERJ-Boy a dit :

Ce contrôle se fera à la gare centrale, il s'agira d'une douane commune Canada-USA. Il n'y aura plus d'arrêt à la frontière ni d'un sens ni de l'autre 

Je ne comprends pas l'autre sens. Il y a plus d'une quinzaine de stations entre NYC et Montréal - comment Douanes Canada peut contrôler toutes ses entrées sauf à la frontière??

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Il y a 2 heures, franktko a dit :

Je ne comprends pas l'autre sens. Il y a plus d'une quinzaine de stations entre NYC et Montréal - comment Douanes Canada peut contrôler toutes ses entrées sauf à la frontière??

Il n'y aura aucun arrêt entre la frontière américaine et la Gare Centrale. Donc ce sera pareil comme un vol transfontalier, le contrôle se fait à Montréal d'un bord comme de l'autre.

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Ottawa gets an earful on proposed expansion of U.S. border pre-clearance powers

Canada's Senate has yet to approve legislation despite pressure from ambassador

The Prime Minister's Office received a flood of emails opposing the government's bill to implement new pre-clearance measures at Canadian airports and other departure points following a CBC News story on concerns about the powers the bill grants to U.S. border agents, documents show.

It's been eight months since the U.S. Congress passed its version of a law to implement the latest cross-border agreement with Canada.

The U.S. law authorizes its Customs and Border Protection officials to set up pre-clearance locations at more Canadian locations, allowing Canadian travellers to bypass immigration and customs procedures on arrival at their U.S. destination.

Canada was expected to pass its version of the law around the same time. After all, it was Canada that lobbied hardest for the agreement.

But that hasn't happened.

Canada's ambassador to Washington, David MacNaughton, told the Senate foreign affairs committee he is feeling pressure from U.S. legislators, who keep asking when Canada's legislation will pass.

"Please hurry it up, because I'm a bit embarrassed. I leaned on the Americans so heavily and now they're coming back and saying, 'Where's yours?'" MacNaughton told senators in June.

The bill emerged from the Commons with a thumbs-up, but it has yet to pass the Senate.

One clue to the delays may be found in the prime minister's mailbox.

Avalanche of criticism

CBC News has obtained a trove of public communications, mostly emails, sent over a 10-day period following the a CBC News story on controversial aspects of C-23, particularly the new powers it would grant to U.S. border agents working on Canadian soil.

Letters and emails sent on the issue from Feb. 10 to Feb. 20 comprise 1,527 pages. Only 777 pages have been released to CBC News so far.

Names are redacted and, in some cases, so are the towns and provinces the letters and emails came from.

Government insiders say the volume of mail received was "unprecedented" and took officials at Public Safety by surprise.

The documents show the negative feedback included many missives from people who described themselves as Liberal supporters.

"I have been a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal, but you lose my support if you pass this bill," wrote one person from Burlington, Ont., on Feb. 12.

The same morning, a Coquitlam, B.C., resident warned that after reading about the bill, they now "regretted any financial or political support I've ever given the federal Liberal Party in the past, and have resolved, until I see this one modified to prevent detentions of Canadians or permanent residents, never to support your party again."

"I have voted Liberal all my life but will do evering (sic) to bring this government down if this bill is passed or any version of it," wrote another.

Powers of detention main concern

Most of the letter writers express concern about parts of the bill that grant new powers to U.S. border agents working in Canada. Those include the right to bear arms and, most controversially, the discretionary power to detain Canadians for further questioning if the U.S. agent is unhappy with their answers.

Until now, Canadians passing through U.S. Customs pre-clearance in a Canadian airport have had the right to simply withdraw their request to enter the U.S. if the encounter goes badly, and leave the pre-clearance area.

Section 31 of Canada's legislation takes away that right.

"It infringes on our rights as Canadian citizens by allowing a U.S. authority to detain Canadians while on Canadian soil," wrote a British Columbian. "While I am sympathetic to the needs of national security, I find that this is another frightening step to one more impingement of our sovereignty."

"If I try to cross [the border]," wrote another, "and the questioning is heavily weighted on my background, my religion, my personal beliefs about anything, is uncomfortable, or causes me to fear for my own safety, I should be able to unequivocally say, 'You know what? I've changed my mind, I  don't think I want to fly to Atlanta today,' pick up my bags, and leave."

Many writers expressed doubts Canadian border agents would be able to exercise similar powers on U.S. soil.

In fact, the U.S. legislation passed last December does extend the same powers to agents of the Canada Border Services Agency in the U.S. But there are no Canadian pre-clearance facilities at U.S. airports, since it is easier for Canada to screen arrivals at the smaller number of Canadian airports.


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