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Le Drummond - 22, 24 étages


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If this is even slightly close to the rest of the downtown projects....the parking alone will be around 65-70k. Then, there's no way a 440sqf can go for 120k before tax. Good luck!

I know. I'm dreaming.

I think I'll just start with the classic "What is the best price you can give me?"

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I know. I'm dreaming.

I think I'll just start with the classic "What is the best price you can give me?"


If you go the very first day of the opening (basically you are on their priority list), they might give you a 3-5% off and include some extras....but I don't think you can do better than that...sometimes they will include condo fees for the first year. But price wise, they won't bulge...

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Pour en revenir au Drummond, je trouve que c'est une excellente insertion sur une rue secondaire, et pas mal mieux que Flex et Viva sur Mackay. Ça n'a rien à voir avec les condos autour du Centre Bell, ce n'est même pas dans la même ligue. Toute comparaison est boiteuse.

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