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Le Roccabella - 40, 40 étages (2018)


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Someone in the market will know about neighbouring towers, they all cater to the same pool of buyers.



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I do think that the four projects have different target markets though... They'd have to, to differentiate themselves from the rest.

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Can we agree that they all cater to condo buyers willing to spend a minimum of 200k in that 300m radius? If that's not fierce and direct competition, then i don't know what it is.



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Can we agree that they all cater to condo buyers willing to spend a minimum of 200k in that 300m radius? If that's not fierce and direct competition, then i don't know what it is.



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Ok, ok, I am not trying to pick a fight :) Not entirely sure why you mentioned the 200k... it appears that most condo projects in downtown require a minimum of 200k...even in non-central downtown...

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Oh i know, i'm just saying that even though each project is trying to differentiate itself, at the end of the day its still condos that are literally next to each other for about the same price. And when people want a condo, its all about location, so at the end, its the same pool of folks.



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Quand on voit la vitesse à laquelle les projets sont sold-out, ou vendus suffisamment pour amorcer la construction, la "piscine" semble pas mal plus grande qu'on l'avait anticipé, non? Que de bons signes pour Mtl!:thumbsup:

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je suis un nouveau membre inscrit bien que je regarde le site depuis de nombreuses années.J'habite au centre-ville et dans mes marches quotidiennes je peux noté facilement les nouveautés.Pour le Rocabella,je ne sais pas si vous avez remarqué qu'ils ont installé la pancarte du constructeur Magil cette semaine.Habituellement,c'est un bon présage.Il va se passer quelques choses bientôt..

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Effectivement, la pancarte de Magil a été posée il y a environ 2 semaines et c'est de bonne augure. C'est un constructeur solide. Je ne serais pas surpris que Roccabella soit le 1er projet en chantier dans ce quadrilatère.

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