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Tour Quartier des spectacles (Spectrum) - 14, 33 étages (2018)


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Ok look I don't want to start another conversation and derail this thread. I'm not slapping Montreal. BCE's C Level is essentially all Toronto. The majority of Bell Media's activities are in Toronto. Why would the C Level be based in Montreal if the majority of their activities are not in Quebec/Montreal? Toronto is the center of Canadian media n'est-ce pas?


A major stumbling block for a company like BCE is that the attraction of top end talent to Quebec is difficult due to language etc. Let's not hide under a rock - its not easy to move to Quebec if your anglophone - and if you're a top talent making $250-300K you even less want to pay the income taxes here. This phenomenon is true for a lot of major corporates based here. You might disagree with me on this, but I see it everyday when interacting with executives from various Canadian based companies.



This being said - I did point out that BCE needs a strong Quebec presence as a lot of their revenue stream comes from Quebec and there's a lot of market share to lose to Quebecor/Videotron. I'm not worried about major job transfers to Toronto but rather that control center of this MAJOR corporation is no longer in Montreal which is really concerning. And when the big executive ranks are no longer based here there's less desire to lease prime office space. (see the prime office space BCE has downtown Toronto vs. campus Montreal)


Now for Valeant, can you elaborate? I was reading an article on lesaffaires journal which said essentially that Valeant has a shell operation here - and that they were concerned for Quebec pharma after Paladin was sold.


Tout a fait d'accord avec toi mark. Ca fais pas l'affaire de certain fier bras, mais c'est la realite du Quebec qui regne depuis 1980...c'est triste de se priver d'impot et revenus de haut gestionnaire, mais j'en ai fais mon deuil depuis longtemps. Bref pour revenir au sujet, mais pour de tel facteurs que l'effervessence de l'immobilier est tres basse a ca va pas en s'ameliorant, voir La Presse ce matin sur les locaux commerciaux.

Si les gouvernements s'occupait de planifier et reparer les routes sur le sens du monde, et d'attirer des investisseurs, au lieu de s'occuper de ce qu'on porte sur le fisage, on en aurait plus de beaux projets immobiliers....bref c'est la cie :P

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Look. I'm spending a lot of time in Toronto and yeah ... Montreal is not primetime.


Trying to get pics up on the Tornto blog but pics are too big. Bref -- quand tu vois des avis publiques pour trios immeubles entres 82 et 86 etages pour 2700 condos je regrete mais le 514 en arrache en comparaisons. Ca c'est King et John. Simcoe et Front un avis publique pour une tour condos 64 etages ET tour a bureau de 54 etages. On the same lot.



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Toronto has half the space of Montreal to grow in. It has no choice but to grow up and densify. If we both had the same population and economies, logically, a condo next to city hall, say, would be twice as high in Toronto and twice as expensive as the same in Montreal.

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i don't know, neither city is all that hot.


montreal: many/most of new construction is a means for the mafia to launder money;

toronto: many of the thousands of units being sold are going to foreigners moving their money into canada against their countries' rules;

montreal: we have been crippled for 40-50 years by a hand-in-glove relationship between politicians and mafiosi, crippling our infrastructure and immiserating the city;

toronto: they have so little regard for themselves that they elect probably the only large city politician more buffoonish, low-iq and anti-urban than denis coderre;

montreal: we have such low expectations for our city that we'll take any development that offers itself;

toronto: it's so over-planned that vast swathes of the city feel totally sterile.


plus, almost all toronto is chain stores, much like canada proper, along with much of quebec: at least in montreal we still have neighborhoods.

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Toronto et Montréal sont deux villes très différentes.


L'une est plus conservatrice et axée sur les affaires tandis que l'autre est plus libérale et axée sur le design. Montréal connait une demande commerciale similaire à Vancouver, et on ne peut la comparer à Toronto, qui est devenue une véritable mégalopole en Amérique du Nord ou Calgary, qui attribue sa croissance aux sables bitumineux.

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la powehouse, je ne veux pas des centaines de condos en verres cheap à 500k$ downtown si c'est ça que tu appelles powerhouse. Ils ont les grosses banques, que ferais-tu pour que quelques-unes d'entre elles reviennent à Mtl ? je crois que ça n'arrivera jamais, puisque le ROC ne veut pas déménager dans une province francophone. Ils ont encore la même mentalité que durant le temps de Maurice Richard.

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we can't we compete or compare ourselves with Toronto. What happened to the dream of making Montreal the powerhouse of Canada? Hate this defeatist attitude.

It's not being defeatist or lacking vision... Trust me, I would love seeing dozens of office skyscrapers being built in Downtown, but the demand is simply not that great... The proof is, with Deloitte and possibly (still a rumor) 900 Maisonneuve being built, the University Street proposal has been cancelled and the QdS Tower will probably not happen until a couple years... As for 750 Peel, I don't know yet, CF is pretty good with selling their proposals.


Plus, there will be some space left in the PVM when Deloitte moves.

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Even I used to dream of seeing Montreal back on Top, but I've come to realize that it simply won't happen. Toronto is the economic and cultural center of english Canada (26 million people). Montreal is the economic and cultural center of Québec (8 million people). Do the Math!


However, I do agree with you that Montreal could definitely be performing better than it has been over the past 4 decades. We need to lower corporate taxes, concentrate on attracting global companies to Montreal, improve mobility in the greater Montreal region and other incentives that will attract businesses and jobs to MTL. The problem is that we either get corrupt gov'ts or we get gov'ts that are more interested on what a person wears on his/her head rather then concentrating on CREATING WEALTH. We are the masters at redistributing wealth, not creating it. That is what needs to change!

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Once you will fully accept that Montreal is not the metropolis of Canada, but Toronto is, you will stop whining about Montreal's loss of power, stale comparative between the 2 cities etc.. etc.. There comes a time in life where things change. Being stuck in a reccurent state that Montreal once was the darling of Canada and can become the same again is actually BS. Accept the fact and sleep better. For sure, we can argue that Montreal can perform better economically, but it will NEVER become the metropolis of Canada again. The stock exchange of Canada is now in TO for god's sake. Every political empire that got its power reduced never claimed it back in the history of mankind.

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