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Canadiens de Montréal


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Malek a raison. 500,000 par années sur 5 années, c'est 2.5 millions. Sans compter le fait qu,il va probablement lui rester un autre 250,000 à 300,000$ de plus dans ses poches à chaque année(taxes moins élevés) ça fait une différence de 750,000$ par année pendant 5 ans!! C'est prèsque 4 millions$.


Would you spit on 4 million$...i seriously doubt it!


Let's not forget that By not negotiating with anyone during the regular season, Bob pissed off alot of players., Including Komisarek, who would most likely have signed last year, had Bob made him an offer.


Bob dropped the Ball on this one!


Regardless if Bob dropped the ball, Komisarek's heart was no longer with the bleu-blanc-rouge. I sincerely believe that the Montreal Media was simply too much for him. YOu can't even fart in a bar without reading about it in tomorrows papers. In Toronto he's got Brian Burke and his no balls approach will scare off some of the paparazzi's

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I sincerely believe that the Montreal Media was simply too much for him.


If that were the case, don't you think he'd go somewhere other than Toronto?? I mean, the leafs have just as many(if not more) reporters following them around. The media frenzy is just as bad in Toronto!


Komisarek was probably pissed that Bob refused to negotiate with him last year or during the season, and had made up his mind to leave. I would have done the same thing!

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With the crappy season he and the rest of the team had, i'm not surprised that Bob wasn't ready to pay him more than what he offered. Its hard to take but it was the best decision to me, sorry Komi.


Edit: I'll do my best to be part of that 10% left

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on va voir ce que Komisarek va faire sans Markov à côté de lui


4.5 millions c'est beaucoup trop pour lui


pour le moment je suis satisfait- le magasinage est pas terminé encore


il reste environ 10 millions de disponible et il peut encore y avoir des échanges....


on a encore besoin d'un défenseur de gros gabarit avec de l'expérience-Beauchemin est encore disponible.... des équipes sont encore mal prises avec le cap j'échangerais les 2 freres "K" et j'essayerais d'aller chercher Simon gagné(Philadelphie sont mal pris)(le salaire est équivalent)


non mais je vais attendre le début de la saison pour voir

c'est trop tôt encore our juger ....Cammalleri est ça plus belle prise


Komisarek c'est une merde- apparamment il a jamais retourné les appels de Gainey- il savait dès la fin de la saison qu'il allait partir- et maintenant on sait que son coeur n'était pas teint de bleu-blanc-rouge et qu'il prefère l'argent à une équipe moins s'il avait signé pour Boston ou une autre équipe talentueuse j'aurais compris....mais Toronto ?!?!?!?!!???

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Everyone.... the word on the streets is that Beauchemin could be injured and is the reason why no one has signed him up yet.


I would not trade Andrei K. He has potential to score 35 - 40 goals. I wouldn't do it. Sergei, yes please trade him.

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Il ne devait pas aimé jouer dans les séries.... :D

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I've been listening to Tony Marinaro's show on the team 990, and Tony just said that Matt Keator(Komisarek's agent) went back to Bob Gainey after he received an offer from Brian Burke. He told Gainey that Komisarek would be willing to take less money for a longer term. Apparently, Keator asked for 4 million$ per year over 7 or 8 years, and Bob refused.


Tony Marinaro is one of the few trustworthy guys in this industry and if He says that his source is rock solid, I believe him.


I was just starting to accept that my Boy(Komisarek) had become a traitor and left for more money. But the fact is that he was willing to stay for less and Bob refused.


I will nover Forgive Bob for this!

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