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Canadiens de Montréal


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In this city you will always have fucking morons that have absolutely no idea how the game of hockey is played other than a win and/or loss. These people are neandrathals! These are the same people who complain year in and year out that Bob isn't doing anything. Why don't we sign this guy or that guy, etc etc....well here's a news flash and it's not that Bob hasn't tried THEY DON'T WANT TO COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL NOT COME HERE after our pitiful display in this series and we have the gall to say the fans in this city are knowledgeable!? My fucking ASS!!!! Booing the goalie, Booing the national anthem, throwing water bottles on the ice. Fucking classless idiots. Go back to the rock where you came from you scumbags.

WE have a lot of rebuilding to do over the quiet season and I'm afraid once again, we will not be able to attract free agents. Hockey players talk among themselves, it's a brotherhood, a community and beleive you me, the word around the leaugue is don't come play for the habs because they (the fans and the media) will fuck you up big time and give your wife and kids a hard time.

So what to do? Well we have no choice but to build from within, that is the amateur draft. A 1/4 of this team will be gone by the next time we drop the puck and I see lots of hard times ahead. We will be fighting to make the playoffs (if we're that lucky) for many seasons.

As a fan, I'm embarrassed the habs went in four; however, i"m more so embarrassed at this city so called best fans in the world...who you kiddin'

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Moi aussi je trouve que Montréal ne méritait pas de gagner mais ce n'est pas vrai que tout le Centre Bell a hué l'hymne national. La majorité se trouvait dans la section Molson et il ne suffit que de 500-1000 personnes pour faire passer les 20 000 autres pour des mal-élevé.


Anyways Go Habs Go and see you next year!


Exactement. J'étais au Centre Bell hier soir, et il y avait quelques imbéciles dans la Zone Molson-Ex qui huait l'Hymne national Américain, mais ils était 1000 personnes au gros max. Le restant de la foule était respectueuse.


Don't go blaming the entire city just because a few hooligans were booing!


En passant, ce sont ces mêmes imbéciles qui on nargués Carey Price ne Deuxième période. Ensuite, ce seront ces mêmes imbéciles qui se demandent pourquoi aucuns joueurs autonomes veulent venir jouer à Montréal.! Maudites bande de caves!:rolleyes:

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I don't think anyone is blaming the entire city, but it certainly sheds a bad image on the city as a whole, from an outside point of view, and contributes to the fact that no free agents want to sign here, no matter how much money we're willing to throw at them.

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The sad thing about it is that I had a client of mine from Memphis attend his very first hockey game. You should have heard me dodge his questions on that. To make matters even worse he's a former U.S. military man and full of patriotism...

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The NHL just said that in no way will Toronto get a 2nd franchise!


On a different note did any of you hear Komisarek's interview? Everything he said was in the past tense (ie: I had some great years in Montreal!)


I've got this horrible feeling we may have seen Komisarek in a Habs jersey for the last time!!


Bob had better make sure he signs him to a long term deal, or else I will be very upset!!

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