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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Sorry I’m fixated on exo1 VH, but if anybody notices what I post, I’ve mentioned time and again that of all the current suburban lines, VH is the one that could most quickly and easily — though perhaps not cheaply — be improved and brought up to 20th century standards. But has anybody else noticed that along with being the only exo line on the maps, it also ends at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue on the maps?
  2. Cut-and-cover? C’est quoi, une autre suite de Back To The Future, mais à l’inverse? Ahead To The Past?
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Ah, thanks. I was wondering that as well. But the exo1 Vaudreuil line is definitely highlighted on every map I can see that shows the West Island — I’m not imagining that, am I? 🤔😉 OT: can I use Urb$ to buy a raised daily “likes” limit?
  4. True! Don’t worry, I’m more of a “pragmatic optimist.” 😄
  5. Waaaoooouu!!! ÇA, c’est de l’action. Félicitations au posteur, vraiment bien fait. Also cool that he posted an upbeat follow-up video and said thanks (for doing their jobs, I guess). 👍🏼😁
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    The map nearest the camera, in front of Mr Tall, also shows the Green Line extended from Angrignon to somewhere near the 138 and Lafleur. I think these are all wishful thinking.
  7. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    La carte devant M. Legault n’indique pas un tel prolongement. Souhaitons-le, mais je ne le vois pas dans la photo.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Looking at the big full-island map in front of the Premier, I notice exo1 VH (red) is very prominent. None of the other exo lines are so evident on the maps in front of Mr. Tall (I can’t really see any others). What to make of this? If VH gets bonifié. We are into some serious business.
  9. Absolutely right, if you make the effort to trek somewhere, you need to come back with as many souvenirs as possible!
  10. That's a lot of angles of... not much!
  11. Honestly, it has always been a canyon. If the Peel renovation project really does make it less attractive as an automobile thoroughfare, I don't see the canyon effect as a negative; it's not a wind-tunnel like Prez Kennedy or RL.
  12. À noter aussi, @acpnc, et ce n'est que rarement mentionné, qu'une bonne portion de passagers destination CV pourrait choisir de s'y rendre plus facilement via le REM à Édouard-Montpetit.
  13. Cela ressemble presque exactement à une post que j'ai écrit il y a quelques mois!
  14. NOW your Orange line will get crushed.
  15. I really like that ogee ledge. Very promising nod to deco!
  16. Nice! Esperons que ça va être landscapé tout le long.
  17. SameGuy

    Autoroute 50

    Imagine if there was reliable train service to every small town, like our ancestors had for over a century until everybody suddenly decided in the 1950s that the car is King, and the future belonged to it. You haven't seen how awful that mid-century car fanaticism was until you go to Sydney and see the massive highway structure that crosses the gorgeous harbour front they call Circular Quay, and divides it (and the huge public esplanades, and the famed Opera House) from the rest of the CBD. It is by far the most egregious example of the Los Angeles-envy of that era -- worse than our Met and Bonaventure, worse than Toronto's Gardiner, and any other midtown/downtown highway that currently exists.
  18. Ça se peut que la démolition du 363 Bridge est en préparation pour les ouvrages à venir en cette dernière traversée?
  19. Dear Diary, today I learned a French word I’d never heard or read before: “ébahi.” It means “pop-eyed.” I LIKE IT! Merci, @Gabmtl 👍🏼
  20. The Rivière à l’Orme runs semi-parallel to the eponymous road, emptying into the Anse à l’Orme (Elm Cove) Bay on Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes in Pierrefonds, so it can’t really be the “Station of the Anse-à-l’Orme” because, well, because that makes no sense. Maybe “Station du Chemin-de-l’Anse-à-l’Orme” but ayoye, that’s even sillier. Station Morgan would still be better. No article needed.
  21. D’accord; en éffet, l’article l’ exigerait un nom supplémentaire pour le modifier (ou le qualifier), donc “Chemin de” ou “Station de” l’Anse-à-l’Orme.
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