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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. Saw the add for the website advisetised DeM and Mountain.
  2. If sales are this strong any chance they'll pile on the 7 floors?
  3. What's funny here is say this is 38 stories -- the CCE is I think 25 stories yet if this rendering is accurate doesn't make like 13 extra floors (yes I know there a different standars for res vs office).
  4. And hopefully by then Overdale (which has been quiet) will be in the mix! Wrong thread I know but I wonder if the Overdale people are purposely biding their time until the Bell Center area projects get out of the way.
  5. So SNC wouldn't build their own tower (not sure if that was given up)?
  6. Well you get what you pay for right? If the buyer willingly pays a bit of a premium to access some of those perks it's all good. Not sure they're pretending to give it away -- they just don't mention this stuff is built into the price.
  7. Sais-tu c'est pas pire du tout ca WestAust!
  8. Il avait un depliant (an insert) dans la Gazzoo d'hier "Real Estate" et le Tom etait en full publicite pour decrire les merites du projet. Ce que j'ai retenu est que la contructions debuterait "bientot".
  9. As I think someone else posted earlier it's be great if this one could go taller...
  10. In today's Gazoo.
  11. Do we see "phases" in other cities or is this a Montreal thing?
  12. Wonder what that little pedestrian walkway will look like in 20 years Very boring exterior no pop compared to the other phases. On a brighter note walk around the area on an early quiet Sunday morning and it feels dense and compact. Very Euro.
  13. Ce que je retiens de l'article La Presse ... "La clientèle visée étant aisée, les appartements seront spacieux. Le plus petit aura une superficie de 850 pi2. L'appartement-terrasse de deux étages (4200 pi2) avec une piscine privée sur le toit a déjà été réservé." Egalement que la construction va commencer en novembre. Fucking cool ca.
  14. "I'm curious to know about the parking involved with this building. How can they dig out 3-4 underground levels without causing damage to the existing structure? Or are they simply gonna tear it down and rebuild the facade brick-by-brick?" **** Perhaps in a similar manner to how The Cathedral shopping mall was built. Remember the entire ground beneath Chirst Church Cathedral was dug up -- it was quite a scene to behold!
  15. J'ai recu de quoi par la poste invitation pour le lancement. "...Condo units with optimized space from only $168 000". J'espere que l'espace sera optimiser car a ce prix ca ne sera pas enorme!
  16. Mon dieu this one seems to be moving at a glacial pace...but soils tests and a closed gas station can only be good news I think!
  17. C'etait la tour Khan -- environ 34 etages me sembles. Mais ce projet est approuve voir le post d'IluvMTL.
  18. C'est vrai que cerains immeubles vieillissent mal mais prennons l'exemple du sud de la Floride. Lot's of condo towers built from the 30s-70s, not all good looking but even the less architectualy pleasing buildings can age gracefully. Modern colours on the outside with new paint, fresh set of windows and crisp black railings can give a fresh modern look to an older building. Certainement cette hotel pourrait etre rajeunis surtout si une nouvelle tour prend le focus de ce lot.
  19. Actually in the original thread IluvMTL posted the following on 18/04/2012: 200 unités de logement en copropriété Sur la liste des projets approuvés par la Direction de l'aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises daté le 2 avril 2012
  20. J'ai vu ca retournant chez moi dans la vitrine de L'Hotel Maritime. C'est la premiere fois je vois ca dans la vitrine donc je presume que c'est tout nouveau. Anyhow looks to have about 35 or so stories vs 21 in 2007. Don't think we have a thread for this besides the original project in the Projets Annulés - Cancelled projects section.
  21. Autre nouveau projet dans Griffintown juste a l'est du William donc sur St. Martin juste au sud de Notre Dame. It's an industrial building right now and haven't seen details about if this is going away or will be renovated.
  22. Projet annulé, voir la rénovation: Maquette: Autres images: Vidéo promotionnelle:
  23. Does anyone know why this type of crane is used on this tower versus say what we see in Griffintown, Altoria, Altitude etc?
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