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Tout ce qui a été posté par caribb

  1. I took one of Heritage Montréal’s architectural tours and they stopped and pointed out that the Domtar building is architecturally significant. So I wouldn’t want to see too much alteration to it. They also went in about the importance of the garden too so it’s a shame it’s being replaced. Hopefully the new one will be even better. Domtar Building
  2. Whatever we do we need to fix the whole issue of integrating the two 15s along with it so we resolve the rush hour congestion slowness by taking those cars off the 40. Personally I’d prefer a tunnel since it would be dryer during winter and keep traffic flowing better. Creating a by pass along the 440 or 640 for trucks and traffic heading beyond Montreal would also alleviate a lot of congestion. Open tunnels like Decarie and the 20 have only been vilified and divisive in their neighborhoods.. they are the worst options. Replacing the current 40 with an urban boulevard would significantly slow down driver’s ability to move around the city quickly if they include stop lights. For example Henri-Bourassa and Pie IX at rush hour now is a slow nightmare versus a quick flowing over/under pass prior to the elimination of the H-B overpass. So many possibilities.. only so much money. At some point though the city has to deal with it.
  3. And while they do that use the tunnel diggers to join the two 15’s underground as well.
  4. caribb

    RIP Anthony Bourdain

    I was shocked this morning too. This guy lived what I saw as the greatest life.. travelling the globe, meeting the greatest chefs, eating the best meals, sitting with Presidents and everyday people alike. He was so humble. In the end though you never know what’s going on underneath it all. Very sad and tragic and he’ll be greatly missed.
  5. No just the juxtaposition of the two towers to Place Bonaventure. It looks like all three line up beside one another when they don’t. I just couldn’t figure out right away from which direction the shot was taken.
  6. I’m presuming that’s a test boat in the picture (haven’t seen the video yet). If successful they’ll need a small ferry like they use in Istanbul that can hold a sizeable number of people (over 100). Otherwise you’ll end up with hundreds of travelers trying to get on a tiny boat. It’ll frustrate those waiting if it’s a long wait. Istanbul has an incredible ferry service buzzing around the Bosporus at fast speeds and frequent intervals. It could work here too.
  7. The angle of that photo really threw me off. I can’t wait either.
  8. Really nice. It will have an amazing impact on our skyline. Nice to see 56 stories too.. next step, 60.
  9. Some more detail. 1981 McGill College
  10. I totally agree. Edmonton doesn’t deserve that.
  11. This turned out a lot nicer than what the original renderings portrayed.
  12. This project looks awesome. I love the open airey environment the renderings portray. The QdS is going to be an even more amazing place once it’s finished.
  13. Ok thanks. I like the building overall. It needs that punch of colour though.
  14. Nice pics! So.. what’s the deal with the proposed red section? Is it going to be back lit red and only visible at night? It’s nothing like the rendering at the top as it stands now. It just looks like uninviting dark grey glass panels.. kinda disappointing considering the colour is what made this project stand out.
  15. I’ve gone between Tokyo & Osaka and you are correct Osaka isn’t part of the Tokyo metro region but I can confirm it was one continuous urban area from start to finish. A couple of spots of countryside but essentially a giant urban region. Imagine 3 cities the same size as Montréal, Vancouver & Ottawa squeezed between Montréal and Toronto with little country side in between. This is the richness of the region there. So to summarize Japanese high speed rail - too expensive but woukd get us there to QC faster Tokyo region - heavily populated even to Osaka/Kyoto & wealthier, better suited to expensive rail no need to go any deeper so please get back to topic sorry if I derailed it (pun intended:-)
  16. Tokyo-Yokohama-Nagoya-Kyoto-Osaka is one huge gigantic urban region. Basically a single city that goes from Toronto to Montreal if overlayed onto Canada.
  17. I was really only mentioning those for the purpose of pointing out what we’d need for speed. It could be argued the Shinkansen is too expensive for us too. I think anything on that level would have to be used on the Windsor to Quebec City corridor, not just Montréal-Quebec. Getting it down to an Hour or 2.5 hours to Toronto would, as someone mentioned earlier, make it competitive with Air travel... without the hassle of getting from the airport to downtown. Still worth looking at in my opinion.
  18. Yes, for sure. Only on the heavily populated and wealthy Tokyo-Osaka corridor does Japan Rail make money. You don’t see high speed rail much outside that region.. none on the west coast. But in terms of speed that’s what we’d need to get a 60 minute trip to Quebec unfortunately. Now if they reconsider the Quebec-Windsor corridor again it could be a reality but both Quebec and Ontario seem to be going forward on high speed rail alone.
  19. Japan Rail with the Shinkansen does the 323 (car) mile Tokyo-Osaka run in 2 hours and 30 minutes. 59 miles to Drummondville should be overcome in a blink of an eye using their technology. Quebec is 157 miles away so it should be accomplished in roughly 75 minutes at most. Throw on a maglev and you could probably cut that in half. Drummondville would be a metro stop away..
  20. caribb

    Montreal's Time Square

    Since Montreal has strengths in projecting high tech images/video perhaps that should be a large part of it also beside neon. Also there’s new 3D holographic type advertising emerging now.. domething else that might be distinctive if incorporated on a large scale. I think we could use our techno savvy to make it distinct and interesting and at night very dynamic, changing and colourful.
  21. Those renderings are stunning! What a beautiful building
  22. I like the design of this building. Looks fresh.
  23. Is the second tower a go yet? Any idea when construction starts?
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