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Tout ce qui a été posté par caribb

  1. What’s the building with all the bizarre lines and tubes on or inside it? Looks like an art studio of some sort.
  2. In the news conference they hinted the combined three museums (McCord, Stewart, La Mode) will be renamed on a later date. The one that’s been put out is Musée Montréalais or something to that effect. Probably a good move for the city
  3. Excellent news and I’m glad they’re staying in their original location. Also since there will be an architectural competition I presume the images above are just conceptual images and not concrete plans. The final design could be quite different. Rue Victoria will be a unique part of all this.. hopefully a quaint pedestrian street with artwork and interesting shops or displays.
  4. I really like this picture.. the skyline looks impressive. The densification of skyscrapers is evident. Griffintown looks awesome.. REM is on the horizon and the sunlight is hitting all the right marks. Montreal is really getting its act together these days, it gives me a good feeling about our future. Can’t wait to see this view in about 5 years with all the coming additions and with a REM train passing by.
  5. This looks amazing! I can imagine it attracting the attention of foreigners. Fingers crossed it gets built.
  6. Ok thanks both of you. I sensed it really ended closer to Baie d’Urfé than Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, if anything it really is stopping in Baie d’Urfé. It seems designed to serve both communities I suppose. There seems to be room to have extended it south to the existing rail tracks and go right into the existing SADB station which they could redo. It might still be a good first trip once it opens. Grab supper by the boats and head back providing the bus service is quick and direct and is operational into the late evening. 🙂
  7. Where is this station actually going to be located? Along the 40 or closer into the town near the current rail line? REM maps just plop it generically short of the city and generally in the center of the west tip of the island. I live way out east but I like the little restaurant row along the water front there.. REM will make it a fun way to go there.
  8. The “St-Laurent” was my choice too plus I like the interior colour scheme. The dark green is fine with me. Looking forward to using these and seeing these trains around the city!
  9. Considering Vancouver has less population of Montreal it is doing incredibly well. The Asian influence sure has an impact.
  10. Interesting videos. Kind of makes you want to take on the world lol. This is going to be an incredible complex for Montreal though. My favorite project in the city at the moment.
  11. This building just gets better and better..
  12. I’m ok with the “X” also. It breaks up the monotony and makes it stand out in a way you can easily reference these buildings. Overall it’s a nice project and enjoyable to watch going up as I pass by on the Met everyday.
  13. This is good news. I was looking into cruise ships coming into the Port de Montréal recently and was surprised at the caliber of ships coming here. Many high end cruise lines, one even on a 245 round the world journey. Imagine the wealth that ship brought to port here. Another on an arctic route that weaves through Scandinavia and around Iceland, Greenland and then Hudson’s Bay exploring Nunavut and on down to here. Another from Lisbon, seveal from Dover England. I really thought they were mainly US lines coming up the coast to see Fall colours but really it’s so much more. It’s a shame the bridges block the larger ships but the smaller ones bring much wealthier clientele so we still win. Love it, must be a great experience for them.
  14. I agree. This is such a letdown, they couldn’t be more bland and ordinary. I’d rather have one 46 story tower over this and something more than a rectangular box. Instead we’re left with mediocre twin towers in prime space. Ugh.
  15. Great photo comparison. Its incredible how many new towers have gone up over the past few years. Humaniti will fill in that gap nicely once it starts to rise.
  16. caribb

    REM de l'Est

    High speed rail is incredible but really expensive. In Japan I was told only the Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka run is profitable. It’s where most of Japan Rail’s trains are placed. They have the population density there to run it since it’s basically a giant urban region with a population similar to all of Canada combined. To run it just to Quebec would be financially risky in my opinion. Toronto needs to be included. The original Windsor to Quebec City corridor through Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal proposal still makes the most sense to me. It’s the one urban region in Canada with the population to support such a venture. And please, make it maglev.
  17. I see this more as an entertainment/touristic transport, not a real serious functional transport even if in theory it can be if people want to endure the winding path from a theoretical south shore start to the Palais des Congrès. Still a viable concept and idea. Maybe even an eventual extension to Mont Royal if that’s technically possible (albeit expensive)
  18. It would make sense to go one stop further and end (or start) it on the South Shore. Interesting idea. Hopefully it’s would be worth the investment.
  19. I doubt the promotional ads are incorrect. It says 44 floors of bright living spaces. It suggests to me there’s 44 stories above ground. Maybe there’s 4-5 premium floors integrated into the very top that’s not clearly shown in the renderings.
  20. Ads for this on Instagram say it’s 44 stories. Maybe that includes underground parking?
  21. Yeah I realized it was a drone shot or some sort of personal access after I posted my comment. Would be a nice rooftop view though if they opened it to the public.
  22. Phenomenal photos! Love the one of the clock tower. I’ve never been to the actual Five Roses building.. I wish there would be a rooftop lookout.. I’d want to go. Btw, I personally like Flickr over Instagram. You get the full size photos there. It’s less “on the fly” though.
  23. Ok no worries. I’m just questioning how they’re doing this. Even with 13 foot ceiling like PV it’s still comes up short but hey I’ll go with the flow. I’m not trying to burst anyone’s bubble, I’ll be glad to be wrong in this case. Ok thanks for the explanation. It’ll be be a tall building given the floor count then.
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