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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rocco

  1. Sur le point de dépasser le mur de brique conservé.
  2. Sortez nous des exemples en Amérique du Nord ou dans un climat similaire au Québec svp. Merci.
  3. Comment est-on passé de ça à ça??? Sacrament, ils font exprès.
  4. Terrible spectacle. Montréal revient de TRÈS loin.
  5. People just dont know how much the structure shakes when a VIA or exo train passes on it. It would be impossible to sustain any prolonged activity inside this structure, so no "social" project can ever come to fruition. Yes, I had a depotium locker there and yes, when u go inside and a train passes on top its like Montreal is shaken by a scale 10 earthquake. Nice dreams of refurbishing, will stay a dream.
  6. Valérie Plante va l'encadrer et le mettre dans son bureau à l'Hôtel de Ville.
  7. Parce que le projet est pas fini et qu'ils n'ont pas posé la couche de fenêtre extérieure sur ces panneaux. Une fenêtre est toujours composé de 2 verres. Un extérieur et un intérieur.
  8. Rocco

    Expos de Montréal

    I guess Bronfman got the memo.
  9. Something tells me that those elevators are the first step in a well oiled vision: Have Jacques Cartier as a full pedestrian bridge. I've heard Valerie is getting excited.
  10. Welcome to Valérie Plante's paradigm. I hope people enjoy the current boom cuz its about to end with a bang. Even CF has left the party. The QUAD sites are just collecting dust and slush.
  11. Horrible story. People voted this guy in to scrap CF plans obviously and save the ridiculous forest. Power to the people. Lets build townhouses and single homes. Yay.
  12. Rocco

    REM de l'Est

    In those countries they are used to following authority. Here we are used to corruption. Since when a structure on top of a structure has worked well in Québec? Lets not compare apple and tomatoes. Im in favor of "gros bon sens", which is lacking profoundly in this province. If you wish to discuss with each and everyone of the citoyens over the next 35 years, its your choice. I choose the way we can get things done.
  13. Rocco

    REM de l'Est

    Please no. Not another "transit authority". Enough structures already. No one can work together properly. This has been proven time and time again. Those who put the money down need to decide. Thats it.
  14. Du débilisme à son plus pur état. Ça fait 5 ans que le REM a été annoncé/en construction et ils ont pas encore eu le temps de faire un plan d'urbanisme??? Et là ils briment les promoteurs dû à LEUR incompétence?? WOW.
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