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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. A 3-year, part-time MBA at McGill is $79 500 Needless to say, I chose HEC instead lol
  2. Lol it's not the inside wall that is exposed to weather elements.... Il y a une pare-air / pare- vapeur, panneau de gypse extérieur (tel que DensGlass) etc. La seule chose qui manque c'est une petite moulure pour cacher la misère... pas un scellant de haut en bas. Rigueur, rigueur, rigueur...
  3. No they should not seal this. The code requires a (minimum) 1" air space behind a masonry wall. If water and/or snow gets in the crack, it should drain out through the weep holes at the bottom of the wall. At most you could ask them to install a "moustiquaire" or some kind of aluminium moulding that hides the opening but does not seal it completely.
  4. Ouais c'est ca que j'ai compris aussi mais le cumul est de 25% Normalement c'est max 20%, non???
  5. They want a 25% down payment???
  6. Alors finalement le tour de 40 étages va etre construit....
  7. It's incredible how disgusting this building is
  8. By the way, the bidders will be informed of the winner in two weeks. Circle November 10th on your calendars!
  9. Yes, the bids are definitely confidential! This is a very interesting tender because it's not necessarily "lowest bid wins". There are so many factors to take into account... but I have faith that the right consortium will be picked
  10. One Vanderbilt in NYC is only 58 stories but it's 396m high (and 421m to the top of the spire!)
  11. Political posturing to blame the delays on someone else. You could do all the work on both sides of the bridge and, even with the delay, still have a year to finish the work on the bridge itself. C'MON MAN!
  12. C'est pas vraiment une periode de revision supplementaire, la date a ete repoussee à cause des Addendas
  13. A friend of mine that purchased a unit on the 13th floor has his inspection tomorrow. This one is pretty much done
  14. Seulement une C'est 4 voies par direction
  15. << Notre cour... >> Eeshhhh
  16. Tour des AirBnB 3 So disappointed with the crown....
  17. budgebandit

    Expos de Montréal

    ^^ completely agree !
  18. A good read!
  19. The people in favour of this project have no arguments whatsoever? You can be against this project but open your eyes a little... I am for the project but I also realize that there are many issues which need to be addressed before the first shovel hits the ground. It's neither black nor white. And the problem I have with most of the people that are against this project is that they are not looking for solutions to make it happen, but rather they are against it at all costs. Terrible mentality to have when we are talking about such a significant investment.
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