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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Passed by here today. I swear there's one dude with a hammer knocking down bricks while dangling from that basket. It looks like an ant trying to eat a tomahawk steak.
  2. We can't stop investment in Montreal just because companies with links to possibly corrupt world leaders are buying properties. It is any company's fiscal responsibility to diversify and in many cases that means residential investment. How about we look internally first? A) Stop residential developers from requiring any general contractors bidding on their projects to ALSO purchase a set amount of units? I know for a fact this happened with all the Tour Des Canadiens projects thus far. B) How about we also stop the kickback process that sees units go to real estate agents prior to the general public? Those agents then sell for a mark-up, thus driving up prices. In my opinion, this whole international investment talk is effectively masking investigations into some very real and very current problems affecting affordability. But then again, the foreigner has always been the "boogie man" here, making it easy to blame outsiders rather than looking at the home-grown issues.
  3. Trees being rendered on buildings again...... Either way, development of this lot is only due in 2020 so I'm guessing this is just a VERY preliminary proposal for now.
  4. So 40% of the project needs to be social and low cost housing. If I was a developer I wouldn't touch this thing with a 10 foot pole unless the city was giving me some massive subsidies to make up for lost profits. No way.
  5. Question: why wouldn't they just hire some demolitions experts and implode the whole thing? That looks incredibly dangerous.
  6. Corner Meilleur and Sauve Ouest, 6 phases with the first two being 4+4. Its a few blocks east of Voltige and is taking the space of an old industrial building. Sales office almost complete and there's machinery on site for demolition of the existing structures.
  7. First crane has gone up. Looks like it is for the 14 floor building.
  8. I'm 90% sure that rendering ins't correct. It looks like an the initial placeholder that was being used as real estate agent marketing material before the official launch event.
  9. I'd rather this delay is accepted rather than the project being rushed forward to meet a politically-acceptable deadline.
  10. This is a war on vehicles that we knew would be coming with the Plante admin. Millions spent on pretty Montreal-branded concrete dividers and there they sit, going to waste where they could have been used on the mountain to actually protect cyclists.
  11. Wow. This corner is becoming a hotbed of activity with the VSL Logistics Hub and this project!
  12. Nope. That's a red herring. Their delays are due to Bombardier issues they're correcting on the fly. It's been mentioned several times (very quietly so as not to ruffle any feathers!) by both the STM and in Alstom's own financial calls / investor info.
  13. I think CDPQ can defend their position very easily but they won't since it would show Bombardier's rail division for the failure it is. All they need to do is send this out in a press release: - Azur cars: delays and issues - London Tube: failure - Toronto: failure AND lawsuit (which was then resolved out of court)
  14. I don't want to "throw shade" at this but honestly, having a promoter saying "well there's ALWAYS traffic around this area" seems incredibly shortsighted to me. Personally I think in this case they should be contributing a few hundred million into surrounding road infrastructure to support their mega project. And the last thing this area needs is another retail project. Marche Central is struggling to attract tenants. Due to the layout of the surrounding roads, Rockland is losing tenants since its position now looks like a ship lost at sea. And this place could have issues too.
  15. Because the REM isn't a purely government contract. It is a PPP. Because the Bombardier gravy train needs to stop somewhere. Because if Bombardier based their workforce and financial forecasts on winning the REM contract, there is something very wrong. Because people who think "we've given handouts to this company before" are the ones who will sink our economy....again.
  16. If this isn't an example of the lowest life-form of corporate welfare pan handling, I don't know what is. "Well, we didn't get the REM contract.....but IF we get more Azure cars, there won't be any layoffs. *pssst, hear that Mr. Couillard? Screw fiscal responsibility and use some back channels to get us another half billion STM contract that MAY save 100 jobs. Remember, this IS an election year!" Absolutely disgusting.
  17. Remember, this is the same promoter who has been promising the Leduc access to Dix30 for the last decade or so....
  18. The unit we looked at was $1.25 million. No idea where this real estate agent is getting 1.8 million but as usual some of these are being "reserved" for real estate brokers to sell on their own and give a significant kickback to the builders.
  19. This number makes no sense at all. 600 passengers per train at $21.60 per passenger = $12,960 / train. I believe it said somewhere there would be +/- 20 trains per day combining arrivals and departures. That's about a quarter million dollars every day. Figure $77 million per year on a single line. There's something wrong with the math. Not sure it is the report or my math.
  20. I'm trying to understand something. In their new promotion materials there's a mention of access to this project by the REM. However, the closest REM station is going to be Canora / Mont Royal and neither of those are anywhere near to it.
  21. There was a crew drilling for core samples in the Colisee parking lot last night right in front of the Timberlea vet clinic. In the summer the same guys were working their way down the 40 service road. So there's certainly movement.
  22. In what world is this? On a Sunday at midnight?
  23. Eh, whatever. They screwed up and paid for it, as they should have. And plus, had the bid gone the other way Alstom could have very well claimed anything from insider meddling to conflict of interest.
  24. In that case the exact same thing could have been said about the consortium Bombardier was part of.
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