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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Bloody hell. This isn't rocket science. CHOOSE THE BEST COMPANY FOR THE JOB! This is how our projects turn to crap before we even get them off the ground.
  2. That's amazing news since it should also get a good amount of truck traffic off the island of Montreal. I can't remember where it was but there was a report saying the Molson building sends and receives +/- 200 trucks every day.
  3. CSN doesn't give a damn about the environment or socio-economic benefits. All they care about is feeding their union members what's "deserved".
  4. Don't want to get anyone in trouble so let's just say it was at a local construction industry event. I'm hoping the rendering was just a preliminary image used as part of the tendering package or something.
  5. I saw a rendering for this last night. This isn't a pretty building, that's for sure....the exterior looks like a mirror image of the hotel's.
  6. Another project that is REM-centric: TERRIBLE location for townhouses IMO (right along the 40 West in an area that was zoned for industrial) and quite anti-TOD (not enough density) but it is development. Also not quite sure what they mean about "eco-community" since they are bulldozing thousands of trees right now but whatever....
  7. No visible forward progress in two months. Exterior still unfinished. Interior looks like a war zone. WTF....
  8. The first thing that needs to be done is to PROPERLY continue the service road between the Centre Kirkland and Morgan. The current layout is absolutely ridiculous. The next is to put up with all the NIMBYs in the area. This would certainly all be low-rise. BUT, I actually don't see where this development would be. I'm guessing the majority of that defunct power center would go and then the small area behind the cinemas would also be developed but other than that? Zero opportunity since there's the REM (plus parking) and a Parc des Benevoles to the west. This is already hemmed in pretty tightly.
  9. If it was a "strict" process Bombardier Transport would be disqualified right away after their performances in Toronto, London, etc. But no, we need to support the perennial favorite son....who also happens to be mentally deficient.
  10. There isn't enough parking for an Adonis in the Panora parking lot. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there will be a Premiere Moisson. They're already opened in a similar large size complex in Bois Franc. The other option is of course that the old Arabic pastry shop opens again. And what TOD concept would be complete without a Starbucks?
  11. There was a huge event there last night and they had a huge tent set up (maybe 100ft x 200ft) that was attached to the sales office. TONS of people and there was a lineup when I passed by around 5PM. Phase 1 is Panora + Belvedere towers. Panora borders Sauve Ouest and is 26 floors of condos. Belvedere is closer to the train tracks and has 16 floors (up from 14). All rental units. These two towers will be built in parallel. Phase 2 is three other towers, NONE of which are planned to be under 12 floors.
  12. How does that stop them from building the other 95% of the lines? Geeze.
  13. I think that the right-hand crane's boom in those pictures is very close to the overall "topped out" height of TDC2.
  14. Something not quite right about this image. Its like the building is 50 floors high.
  15. SKYMTL

    Stanley Cup 2018 Right now the betting sites have Toronto as the odd-on favorites to win the cup.
  16. Honestly, I'd look into buying there. Beautiful location, great pricing, minutes to downtown and pretty good pricing.
  17. Maybe the actual footprint is larger? This tower looks wider than others.
  18. With this kind of money being offered ($7 BILLION in credits plus more!?) I'll make my position clear: I hope Montreal DOESN'T get it. Those are unreal numbers. Let's put that number into context. It's like the state paying every one of those 50,000 employees a $70K USD salary for TWO YEARS. Conversion to Canadian makes it THREE years. Prestige or not, I have a feeling Amazon is doing this in order to get a free ride rather than pick the best possible place for their employees.
  19. Back on topic. From a buyer's perspective this phase has the most allure for me. It looks like every unit will receive a patio, which is almost unique in the current highrise condo environment.
  20. When it comes to the marketing of this project, French IS secondary. Local buyers aren't what's keeping the Canadian real estate market afloat. Granted it doesn't make sense that French documentation wasn't available but this is being blown completely out of proportion. The fact that the discussion has even gone on for more than three or four posts is ridiculous in the extreme.
  21. Obviously CF themselves isn't showing final renderings since TDC3 looks nothing like that either according to their recent announcements.
  22. Well one thing is certain, despite the Habs are doing everything they can to devalue the brand right now this thing is nearly sold out already. As with the other phases, the construction company and their subtrades are mandated to buy a minimum of one unit per company. That takes +/- 100 units off the market before construction even starts. Meanwhile, the insider "pre sales" have sold another ~250 so far. I'm guessing that by the time the general public gets their hands on reservations, there will be 100 units or so left. Obviously marketing this thing to the right markets (English & Chinese) has paid dividends already.
  23. The design of this whole thing looks VERY familiar now, yes? I give you.....Maple Leaf Square.
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