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Tout ce qui a été posté par wellz

  1. La petite grue se fais demanteler dans la section townhouse.
  2. La ville veut que sa harmonise avec TDC1.....
  3. I can remember TDC1 going up 2 floors a week. This one will be no different. Cadillac Fairview does not play games.
  4. We can assume that construction will begin sometime in the fall.
  5. Have they begun demolishing the current building on site??
  6. And it would still look better then anything being built in Griffintown!
  7. Dont worry. They will relocate to Mcdonalds next door
  8. Commieblock centrale "a la Laval". I applaud the added density but that's it.
  9. C'est le type de prefab qui aurait du etre utiliser sur le Marriot.
  10. It WILL look terrible. Its a shame this was allowed. And there is nothing that will be built in the near future to hide it.
  11. Very slow pace this one. They must have 2 or 3 workers on site.
  12. Why rail balconies???? Really??? Glass balconies should be the new standard.
  13. Oui, une grosse ville avec un skyline qui finalement commence a avoir de l'allure!
  14. Ils renove la facade j'imagine.
  15. There is another 25 floor project in the works for that corner. This area will be so jam packed with buildings that you'll be able to see your neighbors taking a shit. No privacy whatsoever and not to mention rising home insurance rates.
  16. This site is already crammed with the Peterson and the midget right beside it. Where exactly on the site are they building this one?? The renders are confusing.
  17. wellz

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    He's quite obviously a troll. He only props up Toronto and shits on any good news about Montreal.
  18. U are kidding right??? It is inconceivable how one can even think that this thing is a success visually or in terms of integration.
  19. Was there really a need to build this horrific thing with all the vacant office space already available???
  20. wellz

    Expo universelle de 2025

    The city cant even build and maintain proper roads and they want to host an Expo?!?! Give me a break
  21. Le design est un probleme oui. Mais je parle du "small town thinking". Montreal n'est pas un petit village et n'est pas Laval non plus. De mettre une restriction de 20 etage dans ce secteur n'a aucun sense. Et vient pas me dire qu'il faut proteger la vue du centre ville non plus. Cette penser est completement bullshit!!
  22. Ce qui fait pitier c'est Griffintown avec sa limite hauteur de 20 etages. Think small and you will get small. Too many small time thinkers in power in Montreal.
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