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Quebec will lower the legal blood alcohol level for drivers from 0.08 per cent to 0.05 per cent, Transport Minister Julie Boulet said Monday.


The move follows a recommendation released by the Quebec Road Safety Task Force in its second report, tabled Monday.


Boulet said the move will put Quebec in line with the other Canadian provinces.


Drivers under the age of 22 will not be permitted to have any alcohol in their system, Boulet said.


The government will also impose stiffer sanctions on street racers and those who take part in car surfing — riding on the hood, roof or trunk of a moving vehicle as if surfing on it.


Boulet said the government will also launch an awareness campaign to encourage cyclists to wear a helmet.


Boulet said the government may make helmets mandatory for cyclists 12 years old or younger.


(Courtesy of CBC News)


How about stronger sentences?


You get caught you get a huge fine. Second time you get caught your car gets ceased and auctioned off and you lose your license for life. If you ended up killing someone, you die in prison! WELL WILL THIS DAMN PROVINCE AND COUNTRY DO THIS!

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(Courtesy of CBC News)


How about stronger sentences?


You get caught you get a huge fine. Second time you get caught your car gets ceased and auctioned off and you lose your license for life. If you ended up killing someone, you die in prison! WELL WILL THIS DAMN PROVINCE AND COUNTRY DO THIS!


I agree. I don't think the biggest problems are the people between 0.05 and 0.08, but the people WAY above 0.08. Recidivists shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore. Multiple recidivists should be in jail.

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I agree. I don't think the biggest problems are the people between 0.05 and 0.08, but the people WAY above 0.08. Recidivists shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore. Multiple recidivists should be in jail.


One thing I think the only time my way of thinking will be in-acted if people start mowing down police and politicians with their cars. That would be a shame :stirthepot:

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A lot of recidivist are not allowed to drive, yet they still do, they drive with no liscence.


Putting them in jail just for drunk driving, is not necessarily the best solution when you consider that our jail system is already overcrowded.

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If it were up to me, for repeat offenders:


Driver's license is nullified

Vehicle is seized

Driver cannot obtain a new license for 3 years, and only on the condition of:

-Retaking driving lessons

-Redoing his drivers tests

-Taking a 20 hour course dealing with alcohol behind the wheel

-200 hours of community service, helping amputated children that were hit by drunk drivers

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Yes! Let's go les gars, on va l'avoir notre état fasciste!


T'as ben raison.


À place, on devrait donner des points bonis sur le permis de conduire quand t'es un alcoolique au volant récidiviste qui frappe quelqu'un.


Parce que moi, je les trouve sympathiques les récidivistes. C'est du bon monde responsable.

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