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8 minutes ago, lma13 said:

China, looks better to me 



Wow je pensais pas qu'on pouvait faire des piliers encore plus laids que ceux de notre REM! Par contre j'aurais pris ce matériel roulant comparé à notre boxy Métropolis. Oui je sais c'est un TGV et non un train léger 🙄

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2 hours ago, Rocco said:

Wow je pensais pas qu'on pouvait faire des piliers encore plus laids que ceux de notre REM! Par contre j'aurais pris ce matériel roulant comparé à notre boxy Métropolis. Oui je sais c'est un TGV et non un train léger 🙄

China has had major structural engineering failures over the last few decades. A lot of structures are built too quickly with insufficiently skilled labor, or downright corrupted officials / compagnies / workers, or a mix of the above. SEG plaza, one of the tallest skyscrapers in China has been shaking violently for months. Sure, the building is still standing, but the damage has been done. Even if they do consolidate the building and stop the shaking, the view that it is unsecure will be a part of the collective memory for at least the next decade. All of theses problems are made worse by the opacity of the central government. China definitely isn't a model to follow.

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2 hours ago, Enalung said:

China has had major structural engineering failures over the last few decades. A lot of structures are built too quickly with insufficiently skilled labor, or downright corrupted officials / compagnies / workers, or a mix of the above. SEG plaza, one of the tallest skyscrapers in China has been shaking violently for months. Sure, the building is still standing, but the damage has been done. Even if they do consolidate the building and stop the shaking, the view that it is unsecure will be a part of the collective memory for at least the next decade. All of theses problems are made worse by the opacity of the central government. China definitely isn't a model to follow.

It reminds me a certain province... 

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Off-off-topic: the room near the very top of Taipei 101 where you can get surprisingly close to the building’s harmonic damper is worth the price of the ticket alone!

1 minute ago, Rocco said:

It reminds me a certain province... 

Attention, la police du anti-Québec-bashing va cogner sur la porte en 3… 2… 1…

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Il y a 4 heures, Rocco a dit :

Oui je sais c'est un TGV et non un train léger 🙄

C'est plutôt votre TGF : un banal train classique roulant à 160 km/h que les politiciens incompétents prennent pour un TGV.

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Il y a 7 heures, lma13 a dit :

China, looks better to me 



Faudrait ériger des montagnes comme ça à Brossard, ça ferait plus joli! :)

Blague à part, c'est moi ou il y a juste une voie? C'est certain que ça fait moins lourd quand la structure est 2 fois moins grosse.

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