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Vieux-Montréal - Discussion générale


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15 hours ago, denpanosekai said:

Kinda too bad. Haven't been in a while but it was nice to have a place open late in the area for the few all nighters I used to have to pull at work. Their menu was humonguous. Would be great to have another down-to-earth replacement instead of something too expensive and fancy that'll close within a year. 

Rents are too high in the area to support another place like that. Too bad. Yes, it was a bit of a throwback place but that's what was cool about it. There are plenty of modern and trendy options in the area already.

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Toujours dommage de voir un commerce fermer, mais ici je comprends que c'était un départ à la retraite et qu'il n'y avait pas de repreneur.

C'était le typique resto ils font de tout (spaghetti, souvlaki, pizza, club sandwich, etc.), tout est correct mais rien est délicieux. Du genre Miami Deli et autres. Ça fera de la place pour un nouveau commerce plus "moderne"!

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  • 4 années plus tard...

Autre incendie dans le Vieux-Montréal. Même proprio que l'immeuble qui a brûlé l'an dernier près de la Place d'Youville en faisant quelques morts. 

Édit mise à jour : 2 morts minimum :(

Capture d’écran, le 2024-10-04 à 07.59.56.png

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Il y a 1 heure, KOOL a dit :

Autre incendie dans le Vieux-Montréal. Même proprio que l'immeuble qui a brûlé l'an dernier près de la Place d'Youville en faisant quelques morts. 

Édit mise à jour : 2 morts minimum :(

Capture d’écran, le 2024-10-04 à 07.59.56.png

Il est beaucoup trop tôt pour présumer quoique ce soit, mais c'est quand même tout un hasard que ce soit le même propriétaire que l'immeuble qui a brûlé près de la place d'Youville en mars 2023.

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Another failure under this admin. Arsons are skyrocketing, heritage buildings are at risk even more now.... fire department is slow as S**t, SPVM failing at combating arsons quickly. I won't be surprised if we're one of the top cities on the continent for S**t like this. I'm pissed, we all are, we cannot lose our heritage, yet it seems like the city and other parties are okay with that.

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  • Administrateur
il y a 25 minutes, Djentmaster001 a dit :

Another failure under this admin. Arsons are skyrocketing, heritage buildings are at risk even more now.... fire department is slow as S**t, SPVM failing at combating arsons quickly. I won't be surprised if we're one of the top cities on the continent for S**t like this. I'm pissed, we all are, we cannot lose our heritage, yet it seems like the city and other parties are okay with that.

We have 20-30++ cops wasting their time going to clubs and restaurants harassing clients and checking girls out when they can be in the streets and do a cops job.

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Il y a 1 heure, mtlurb a dit :

We have 20-30++ cops wasting their time going to clubs and restaurants harassing clients and checking girls out when they can be in the streets and do a cops job.

Wrong. The reason why they're not doing their job is mainly because Plant's administration wants them to be social workers helping vulnerable people instead of cops fighting crime. 

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