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Quebec accueillera plus d'immigrants!


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As ToxiK says, it doesn't matter where they come from, they are guests here, and as such they must be willing to learn French.


For the same obvious reason which nobody disputes, immigrants to Toronto are expected to learn English, their children must learn the language and yet, in Montreal, the French equivalent is viewed as an impediment, an irrational demand on the poor immigrant souls. Mark_ac insists on making French entry-level proficiency an attack on the economic output of the city. I say, there is no reason to dilute the process to let people who choose to move here not learn the language of the majority. That state of affairs has caused a lot more harm than good in the past. The reason for this is simple; This city inevitably falls back on bilingualism as its mainstay, anyway. If the narrative dear to a lot of down-and-out persecution-complexed anglos continues unabated, then the "Going down the road" sequence will play out again and again. It takes two to tango. Yes there are the suffering souls on the Nationalist side who complain about anglo dominance, but the begrudging anglo types who keep blasting Quebec policies for every ailment that Canada suffers is also like crying wolf.



There were over a million refugees accepted in Germany on 2015, I am ready to bet a tiny fraction of them knew a bit of German. On the other hand, many of the least educated ones among them had probably a passing knowledge of English.


Are we to tell the Germans to nix the requirements of language acquisition in favor of a more liberal, cosmopolitan English? Are we to tell them to accept a foreign language as the lingua franca between newbies and German citizens? Maybe.

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The province has retention issues right? And we all agree that's a big problem. If we intensify the "francisation" process, don't you think that'll further lower the probability of retention?


Safe to say that most people here agree that bilingualism is our biggest asset. Shouldn't we be enforcing that type of rhetoric instead? Immersion programs sound like a better marketing pitch to new comers.


This is a tough puzzle to solve that's for sure.

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The province has retention issues right? And we all agree that's a big problem. If we intensify the "francisation" process, don't you think that'll further lower the probability of retention?


Safe to say that most people here agree that bilingualism is our biggest asset. Shouldn't we be enforcing that type of rhetoric instead? Immersion programs sound like a better marketing pitch to new comers.


This is a tough puzzle to solve that's for sure.




But one doesn't cancel out the other. If you are looking for qualified folks, you will find them and if learning French is anathema to them, I don't want them here. There are plenty of other irritants, learning French is a basic part of the equation. Of course, your understanding of this problem is to do with our perceived competitors. The rest of the continent we continue to see as monolingual whereas in the past thirty years, there are regions that have emerged as Powerhouses because of their bilingual, bi-cultural status like Miami. Somehow, nobody thinks that Miami should be told to stem the flow of Hispanics contributing to the city's strength.


Likewise, English is not a threatened language in Montreal. French needs to be held by the same standard that English is in Toronto or Vancouver. The French world is also an excellent resource for filling in Highly skilled, High Value added jobs. Montreal is primed to accept more of these contributors, and all the rest of them who make the effort and avoid ghettoization.

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let's keep this simple.

bringing immigrants to Canada and QC is ultimately a business decision in the long term, a humanitarian one in the (very) short term.


French might help these newcomers feel at home in Montreal (not sure how many intend to settle in La Tuque), but it's not going to put food on the table unless there's economic growth in this province and new jobs available.


for some reason, the efforts to impose French at all costs and all levels (down to small businesses and restaurants) appears to scare away business from coming to Montreal, not to mention the rest of the province, unless is a mining conglomerate...


so, openess to business and job creation is the basis of successful integration of these newcomers

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On this forum, the issue of the (appropriate) NUMBER of (annual) immigrants is obviously being constantly overshadowed by this «favorite», ie. LANGUAGE. Yet numbers matter too. It certainly does in Toronto and Vancouver, although it must be said that in Vancouver at least, they are beginning to feel they might have a language problem of their own as well...


I recently addressed this issue of «number», so I am not going to repeat, except to state, emphatically, that «highest» is simply not optimal.

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  • 10 mois plus tard...

Excellente nouvelle!



Publié le 14 février 2017 à 05h00 | Mis à jour à 05h00

Québec veut accélérer la reconnaissance des diplômes étrangers



La Presse


(Québec) Le gouvernement Couillard compte faire un geste pour favoriser l'intégration des immigrants à l'emploi. Le premier ministre va annoncer aujourd'hui des mesures pour assurer la reconnaissance des diplômes obtenus à l'étranger par les néo-Québécois. Une façon de prendre acte du drame survenu le 29 janvier à la Grande Mosquée de Québec.


Selon les informations colligées par La Presse, Québec entend déposer à l'Assemblée nationale dès cette session un projet de loi pour que les ordres professionnels accélèrent leur évaluation des compétences de ces ressortissants et qu'ils soient plus flexibles pour ce qui est de la reconnaissance de ces formations. Sous le gouvernement Charest, semblable démarche a été entamée avec succès avec la France.


Un paradoxe


Québec se trouve dans une situation «paradoxale», explique-t-on. D'une part, quand il décerne des certificats de sélection aux immigrants, il valorise les candidats «qualifiés», détenant une formation post-secondaire. D'autre part, les règles de reconnaissance de ces diplômes empêchent dans les faits ces nouveaux arrivants d'avoir accès aux emplois.


On a souvent parlé des ingénieurs ou des médecins forcés de faire du taxi une fois arrivés au Québec, mais le problème est plus vaste. De nombreuses infirmières et beaucoup d'enseignants n'ont pas accès à des emplois dans leur champ de compétence et sont forcés de se rabattre sur des expédients. De nombreuses barrières ne favorisent pas les acquis de gens qui viennent de l'extérieur du Canada ou même du Québec. D'autres mesures s'ajouteront vendredi au Sommet de l'emploi, tenu sous les auspices du ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, François Blais.




Quebec veut accelerer la reconnaissance des diplomes etrangers | Denis Lessard | Politique quebecoise

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A peu pres temps que le gouvernement mettent au pas le corporatisme des ordres professionnels. Ces ordres creer une rareté artificiel en bloquant l'entrée a plusieurs en pretextant que leur experience et diplomation n'est pas valide.

Modifié par andre md
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