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Art Deco on Ste-Catherine St: Pharmacie Montreal (1/3)

This is the PHARMACIE MONTREAL – built in the early 1930s – designed by Quebec Architect Raoul Gariepy.




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Text on Postcard:




916 Est Rue Ste. Catherine St. Montreal, Que.


The Largest and Most Luxuriously Appointed Drug Store in the World


To serve you HARBOUR 7251 DAY AND NIGHT


La plus Grande et Plus Luxeuse Pharmacie de Detail au Monde


Pour vous server HARBOUR 7251 JOUR ET NUIT


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Background Information


Charles Duquette opened the Pharmacie Montreal in 1932

It was the first pharmacy to stay open 24 hours a day


By the end of the ’30s it was the biggest retail pharmacy in the world


In the early ‘40s, the Pharmacie was the first in Canada to install automatic doors.


Pharmacie Montreal was the first pharmacy in Canada to issue a FRANCHISE and one of these was sold to JEAN COUTU – the pharmacy chain we know today!




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Ils ont débuté les travaux de rénovations de la facade du 916 ste-catherine est, l'immeuble juste a côté du nouveau projet coin st-andre.


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Sais tu s'ils vont refaire et restorer l'entrée comme dans l'image dans la carte postale?


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Nouveau resto sur Sainte-Catherine, anciennement dans Usine C



Spanish food on Sainte-Catherine Est.


One space's loss is another's gain today as Rambla opens in the Village in the former Bistro Le Club and Bistro 1272. The new Spanish restaurant, tapas and wine bar effectively replaces the short-lived Le C in Usine C. Chef Luis León explains today that the decision to move a few blocks south of the performance space was a no-brainer. "We'd rather operate from a real restaurant than from the basement of a theatre. [Le C was] hard to spot."


Status: Rambla, 1272 Sainte-Catherine Est, corner de la Visitation, soft opens today.




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