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L'Avenue - 50 étages


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so it's pretty much confirmed that TD has leased "commercial" space at L'Avenue. Not sure if that's banking or office related.


L'Avenue is also around 70% sold. So this baby will be going up soon


Et bien quelle surprise !!

Dire que MALED1ZIONE nous confirmais hors de tout doute avec sa main au feu que la portion commerciale de L'Avenue allait être annulée.


Maintenant, ajoutez ces 7 étages !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Membres prolifiques

@ Mark. Thanks for the info. you've never let us down with your scoops in the past. You are a realiable source unlike some newcomers cough*MALED1ZIONE*cough

@ Memphis22 Voyons-donc! tu n'as pas pris les photos correctement! La partie la plus laide n'est pas montrer! Ahh des trucs des photographes!:P

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No one ever thanks me on this forum .... Technically it was me who said the site was starting to be boarded up ... Its sad to be under estimated on this forum, but as the song says ''I will survive" :rolleyes:

Modifié par Rusty
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No one ever thanks me on this forum .... Technically it was me who said the site was starting to be boarded up ... Its sad to be oder estimated on this forum, but as the song says ''I will survive" :rolleyes:

Thanks for getting the topic rolling. I appreciate it.

BTW, Hardly anyone gets thanked on this forum. I've noticed that too. Especially when someone posts a photo. It takes time and effort to do.

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No one ever thanks me on this forum .... Technically it was me who said the site was starting to be boarded up ... Its sad to be under estimated on this forum, but as the song says ''I will survive" :rolleyes:


Everyone's efforts are appreciated, even when not always aknowledge upon posting. On lâche pas :thumbsup:

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