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Comment est ce que ce jeune (il a 50 matches d'expérience dans la LNH) est il supposé apprendre si on ne le fait pas jouer???




Give me a break. Jeune? Il a 24 ans.....l'âge moyen d'un jeune dans la LNH. C'est vrai par contre qu'il a peu d'expérience dans la LNH. Mais oui il est trop utilisé. Il en arrache vraiment et c'est rendu qu'il score même dans son propre net. Il est nerveux. Et il va le devenir encore plus si Carbo s'obstine à la faire jouer autant. Carbo va le brûler. And no one will convince he is doing the guy a favor by doing that.

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Les gens ont le droit de Huer un joueur quand il joue mal...mais de là à scander son nom à la fin de la partie était vraiment disgracieux. Le huer après avoir commis sa gaffe, c'est correct...c'est notre droit en tant que partisans...mais de faire ce que les gens de Montréal ont fait à Brisebois ou de crier le Nom de O'Byrne à la fin de la partie montre un manque de classe de la part des partisans!

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Les gens ont le droit de Huer un joueur quand il joue mal...mais de là à scander son nom à la fin de la partie était vraiment disgracieux. Le huer après avoir commis sa gaffe, c'est correct...c'est notre droit en tant que partisans...mais de faire ce que les gens de Montréal ont fait à Brisebois ou de crier le Nom de O'Byrne à la fin de la partie montre un manque de classe de la part des partisans!


100% d'accord!


What a childish thing to do...


Booing former Habs players is another touchy subject... Samsonov is one thing. I would definitely boo him at the Bell Centre without hesitation. Craig Rivet, for example, is another story. I would smack anyone that i catch booing Craig at the Bell Centre. Streit fits in the category of former Habs i feel don't deserve to be booed. Would you boo Saku Koivu if Gainey traded him away?

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On fait la même chose contre Zdeno Chara, contre la plupart des goalers opposant. Lachez-moi la BS de classe, c'est un match de hockey NHL, pas un match de hockey ATOM, ni un souper au Ritz. C'est un spectacle, un evenment, comme j'ai dit, on va voir les Canadiens gagner, non seulement un match de hockey. Si vous aller voir un group de music comme Madonna ou n'importe quoi et ils chantent mal, vous seriez en calisse? Même chose. On le sait qu'il n'a pas fait expres, on le sait que sa arrive, but too bad.

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On fait la même chose contre Zdeno Chara, contre la plupart des goalers opposant. Lachez-moi la BS de classe, c'est un match de hockey NHL, pas un match de hockey ATOM, ni un souper au Ritz. C'est un spectacle, un evenment, comme j'ai dit, on va voir les Canadiens gagner, non seulement un match de hockey. Si vous aller voir un group de music comme Madonna ou n'importe quoi et ils chantent mal, vous seriez en calisse? Même chose. On le sait qu'il n'a pas fait expres, on le sait que sa arrive, but too bad.


Ouais, t'as tout à fait raison! Fuck la civilité, à quoi ça sert? On est tous des barbares icitte, des vrais hommes qui vont aux games du CH pour les voir gagner, calice! Fuck yeah! À partir de maintenant je vais pitcher du popcorn sur les joueurs du Canadien qui font des gaffes, ils méritent une leçon. C'est moi qui a payé pour voir le Canadien, je suis le seul qui mérite du respect! Fuck that! Si je les croise dans la rue ces maudits joueurs, je vais leur hurler des insultes s'ils ont mal joués lors la dernière partie!!



Quelle attitude égocentrique et arrogante. Si c'est vraiment ça ton attitude, et bien tu manques de respect envers ton équipe, point final.

Applaudir et supporter pour ensuite te virer de bord et insulter en scandant un nom c'est hypocrite et ça démontre un manque de respect. Huer un mauvais jeu c'est une chose, mais ce qu'on fait les partisants du CH c'était carrément se moquer de O'Byrne. Il y a des choses qui ne se font pas.


En passant, Zdeno Chara et les gardiens opposants ne portent pas le bleu-blanc-rouge.

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Booing former Habs players is another touchy subject... Samsonov is one thing. I would definitely boo him at the Bell Centre without hesitation. Craig Rivet, for example, is another story. I would smack anyone that i catch booing Craig at the Bell Centre. Streit fits in the category of former Habs i feel don't deserve to be booed. Would you boo Saku Koivu if Gainey traded him away?


That means that you aren't a true Habs fan! NO player is bigger than the team! And yes, once a player gets traded away, he is the ENEMY!!!


We as fans have an obligation to do whatever is legal and necessary to disturb, bother, annoy, intimidate players from other teams. It is our job to get them off their game! I don't give a rats ass if your name is Rivet, Samsonov, Streit, Ryder, Chara, Brière, Avery or even Koivu etc... I don't care if you played for the Habs in the past. You are now playing for the ENEMY, therefore YOU ARE NOW THE ENEMY and it is my job as a fan to get you off your game in any way that I can(as long as I don't throw stuff on the ice)!!!!!!!!

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That means that you aren't a true Habs fan! NO player is bigger than the team! And yes, once a player gets traded away, he is the ENEMY!!!


We as fans have an obligation to do whatever is legal and necessary to disturb, bother, annoy, intimidate players from other teams. It is our job to get them off their game! I don't give a rats ass if your name is Rivet, Samsonov, Streit, Ryder, Chara, Brière, Avery or even Koivu etc... I don't care if you played for the Habs in the past. You are now playing for the ENEMY, therefore YOU ARE NOW THE ENEMY and it is my job as a fan to get you off your game in any way that I can(as long as I don't throw stuff on the ice)!!!!!!!!


Don't be questioning my Habs loyalty! That's asking for a fight!


I believe the CH is more than a team, it's an idea, it has it's own spirit, it's something that transcends the hockey rink. It's about loyalty, teamwork, spirit, determination and also respect. So of course no player is ever bigger than the team, but that doesn't mean i need to mock and boo someone because they got traded against their will. I will trash the shit out of the enemy... within the boudaries of basic respect for hockey and hockey players.


Maybe that's where we don't see eye to eye?

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Who cares what uniform they wear? If you want to play the respect card, it would apply to everyone. Your argument makes no sense because you draw the line arbritrarily in terms of vocalizing discontent. Don't compare it with getting physical (ie popcorn). Booing is ok, but name calling is not? Booing Habs is not ok, but booing other players is. Booing former Habs is sometimes ok, sometimes not. Maybe there should be a time limit on cheering too then? What do you think, just because he wears a Canadiens uniform that he becomes untouchable, irreproachable. He is just a player, and a shit one at that, if Markov or Hamrlik had made that mistake - more fans would have let it slide. Let's become a city of pansies, everyone should have lined up to pat him on the back and tell him its ok, these things happen. We should all chip in and fly his mom in.

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Who cares what uniform they wear? If you want to play the respect card, it would apply to everyone. Your argument makes no sense because you draw the line arbritrarily in terms of vocalizing discontent. Don't compare it with getting physical (ie popcorn). Booing is ok, but name calling is not? Booing Habs is not ok, but booing other players is. Booing former Habs is sometimes ok, sometimes not. Maybe there should be a time limit on cheering too then? What do you think, just because he wears a Canadiens uniform that he becomes untouchable, irreproachable. He is just a player, and a shit one at that, if Markov or Hamrlik had made that mistake - more fans would have let it slide. Let's become a city of pansies, everyone should have lined up to pat him on the back and tell him its ok, these things happen. We should all chip in and fly his mom in.


Nice job, everything is black and white with you. Only extremes, no middle ground.


I suppose if someone annoys you, you will either let it slide completely or pull out a gun and shoot them? Newsflash: there is such a thing as a mesured response.


Since you want everything to be laid out for you matter-of-factly, here's a simple explanation: If you respect someone, don't be a dick to them.


I respect Habs players, so i won't mock them and disgrace their name. I don't have nearly as much respect for opposing players, so they're fair targets for vocal abuse.


Booing in the context of poor play is an expression of disatisfaction with the team or the play. You know this, i know this. It's fair game.


Booing a particular player when he touches the puck however is an expression of hatred and mockery for the particular player touching the puck. Ain't the same thing, pal. If Samsonov touches the puck i will mock him, having lost any respect i had for him. If that Brière douche touches the puck, i'll be booing at the top of my lungs. If Rivet touches the puck, i won't mock him because he has earned my respect. Will i still hope he trips and falls and scores an own-goal? Sure. Will i root against him? Damn right. But i insult his name and be an asshole? No.


You go on being a dick if it makes you feel like a man. I will not.

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