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Canadiens de Montréal


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OK, let's get real. I like the Tanguay deal for the habs 25th pick; however, the salary at over 5.25 million eats a lot out of the salary cap. Tanguay's stats are not representative of a 5.25 mill salary that's for sure. He pretty much stunk up the joint in Calgary. We add Sundin in the mix at over 6 mill...sayanora Streit and Smolinski and perhaps another. I just wished Tanguay made 2 mill.

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Pour ma part je ne suis pas inquiet pour Tanguay a Montréal pour 5.25 millions. les Flames jouent un jeu très défensif genre dumping de puck a la ligne rouge pis Jarome Iginla patine pour aller la pogné. A Montréal, avec un jeu de possession de rondelle, avec la meilleur attaque de la ligue a 5 contre 5, meilleur avantage numérique, il va faire 80 points facile cette saison.

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OK, let's get real. I like the Tanguay deal for the habs 25th pick; however, the salary at over 5.25 million eats a lot out of the salary cap. Tanguay's stats are not representative of a 5.25 mill salary that's for sure. He pretty much stunk up the joint in Calgary. We add Sundin in the mix at over 6 mill...sayanora Streit and Smolinski and perhaps another. I just wished Tanguay made 2 mill.


Dude, have you looked at Tanguay's stats over the past 4 years? You can't judge a guy only by what he did the previous season! In the past 4 years, Tanguay has had 78, 79, 81 and 58 point seasons...that's alot better than any habs on the roster currently.


The reason why he sucked last year is very simple to explain. The Problem was Mike "hitler" Keenan. There are a ton of players in the NHL who were excellent players, but when they played for Keenan, they didn't like it. Keenan is an idiot who thinks that his way of doing things is the only way and if you don't agree with him, he'll give you a hard time.


I am very confident that Tanguay will get at least 70-75 points(if he can stay healthy)! The other added bonus is that we didn't have to give up any current roster players(ie: Higgins, Plex, The Kostitsyn's etc...) and a 25th pick overall would never become as good as Tanguay is.

A 3rd good thing about this deal is that Tanguay only has one year left on his contract. If things don't work out (which I highly doubt) the Habs won't be stuck paying his salary for many years to come!


Overall, this deal was geat for the Habs. Tanguay is happy to be in Montreal. Now all Bob has to do is pick up Sundin.


BY the way, I can bet you 20$ that Streit, Smolinski and Ryder will not be back. All three players are not worth the money they will ask for.

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^Tanguay will be in a support role Montreal. In Calgary after Iginla he was expected to put massive points. I don't think there's much pressure on him and he's a sick playmaker. If he plays with a Sundin or Kovalev, it'll be magic. I think if he puts 70pts up on the board the Habs will be happy. And don't forget, although young (rookie perhaps), he's already won a Cup in Colorado. Now before you say that team was stacked, it should be mentioned that he had a big part, scored the Stanley Cup winner and had 2 goals in the deciding game 7.

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Les Rangers aussi parlent à Sundin


(Corus Sports)- Selon le réseau Sportsnet, les Rangers de New York ont reçu la permission de discuter avec le clan de Mats Sundin avant même que Bob Gainey débute ses démarches.


Des sources anonymes ont révélé que le directeur général des Maple Leafs Cliff Fletcher a donné la permission aux Rangers de discuter avec Sundin, et ce avant le Canadien.


Les Red Wings de Détroit aimeraient eux-aussi mettre la main sur Sundin, mais personne de l'organisation n'a encore contacté Fletcher pour obtenir le droit de négocier.


Toujours selon Sportsnet, New York et Montréal seraient actuellement les deux seules formations vraiment impliquées dans le «derby Sundin».


Frédéric Bhérer / Corus Sports

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You can't rush greatness

Sundin not eager to sign early




OTTAWA -- Mats Sundin's friends say there is no reason the Leafs captain should rush any decision relating to where he plays next season. SUN MEDIA/Mark O'Neill


How should Leafs rebuild?


Why rush things?


According to friends of Mats Sundin, that is a very relevant question in the mind of the long-time Maple Leafs captain right now.


From the moment it became public Friday that the Leafs had granted the Montreal Canadiens exclusive negotiating rights with Sundin, there has been a misguided notion floating around that there is a sense of urgency for an agreement to be reached by July 1.


For the Leafs and Montreal Canadiens, there is.


But not for Sundin.


Those close to him doubt he will retire, let alone come back to the Leafs. He is said to still be miffed at Toronto management for simply not coming out and saying: "Mats does not want to be traded and will not be traded" weeks before the Feb. 26 trade deadline instead of allowing the speculation to drag out in public as it did.




Keeping that in mind, why would he now want to do the Leafs any favours by coming to terms with the Canadiens prior to the opening of the unrestricted free agent period one week from tomorrow?


Were he to do that, the Leafs would receive compensation from the Habs as part of a conditional deal that already is in place.


Why not, instead, wait to go on the open market July 1?


If he really wants to become a member of the bleu blanc et rouge, he can sign on that day. Or he might sit back and see who the highest bidder is, with the New York Rangers expected to join the Canadiens in the Sundin auction.


Either way, the Leafs will get nothing for him no matter where he goes.


That, understandably, is why Leafs officials likely are hoping behind closed doors that he inks with the Habs in the coming days. It is the only way they will fetch some kind of return for the career leading scorer in franchise history.


As for the Canadiens, they don't want the Rangers or anyone else to come into play, a situation that will come up the second Sundin becomes an unrestricted free agent.


In order to avoid that possibility, Habs general manager Bob Gainey has no choice but to embark on a recruiting trip to Sweden as early as Wednesday, a concept a member of the Sundin camp calls "a good idea."


Gainey will have to do a good selling job if he wants to seal the deal quickly. Some insiders close to the Habs are suggesting Canadiens owner George Gilette should accompany Gainey to Scandinavia to help woo Sundin.


Sun Media columnist Scott Morrison has heard rumblings the Habs might consider a two-year offer for Sundin worth $7.25-$7.5 million US per season. You can count on a no-movement clause being part of the package.


The Rangers, meanwhile, certainly hope Sundin preaches patience and waits for free agency. Their interest in Sundin is said to be serious.


Sundin is seen as the perfect fit for a Rangers roster that just might end up finding the needed cap space to squeeze him in.


A report in the New York Daily News yesterday quoted Sean Avery's agent, Pat Morris, as saying "it's highly likely" free agency is in store for his client. Neither side would confirm reports that Avery is seeking $4 million per season, although the newspaper reported the Rangers were looking more at an annual salary of $2.75 million for three or four seasons.




There also remain questions about the return of Jaromir Jagr. While the veteran Czech has publicly stated he would like to remain a Ranger, he is said to still be a target of the foreign-based Russian Continental League.


Whatever happens, don't expect Sundin to be in any rush to get something done. Not unless he can be convinced otherwise.


Your play, Mr. Gainey.

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It's beginning to look more and more like Mats Sundin is going to unrestricted free agency on July 1.


The Montreal Canadiens currently own Sundin's exclusive negotiating rights until July 1 and Canadiens' GM Bob Gainey is prepared to go to Sweden to talk to Sundin directly, but so far the Toronto Maple Leaf captain has not agreed to any face-to-face sessions or encouraged Gainey to make the trip.


Could that change? Yes, perhaps, but sources close to Sundin say the big Swede has waited this long to become an unrestricted free agent that he appears inclined to wait another week and explore all options available to him.


There has been much confusion over who has been permitted to speak and/or negotiate with Sundin and when that happened.


Sources tell TSN the timeline is as follows:


- The Maple Leafs met with Sundin and his agent J.P. Barry to indicate the club has interest in bringing Sundin back to Toronto. While no formal contract offer was made, Leafs' GM Cliff Fletcher conveyed to Sundin that the team was prepared to pay him around $7 million on a one-year deal and that they wanted him back.


- The Maple Leafs contacted Sundin's representatives last week to indicate that they were contemplating the transferring of Sundin's exclusive negotiating rights to the Montreal Canadiens.


- Sundin's representatives sought clarification on whether they would be limited to speak only to Montreal and were told that was indeed the case.


- Sundin's representatives asked the Leafs for permission to talk to the New York Rangers before any negotiating rights changed hands and were granted that permission.


- Sundin's representatives spoke to the Rangers to find out if they would be interested in acquiring Sundin's exclusive negotiating rights but were told that was not something the club intended to do. No substantive talks with the Rangers were conducted after that.


- Sundin's exclusive negotiating rights were then transferred to the Canadiens last week, which brings us to where we are at today.


Gainey would dearly love the opportunity to meet with Sundin, but the player is currently deciding whether he wants to play next season in the NHL or retire.


Those who know Sundin find it hard to believe he'll actually retire, but this is an exercise he goes through each and every off-season.


While Sundin could conceivably give Gainey the green light to travel to Sweden, at this particular point in time, the sense is Sundin will exercise his right to go to unrestricted free agency on July 1.


Clearly, the Sundin camp has interest in what the New York Rangers may be prepared to offer on July 1, just as they have interest in what Montreal may be prepared to do and while it may seem a longshot, the door has not been entirely closed on a return to the Maple Leafs.


Anything and everything is still a possibility.


Stay tuned.


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Sundin pourrait explorer le marché des joueurs autonomes



Mats Sundin

Photo Reuters


Pierre LeBrun


Presse Canadienne




Les joueurs de qualité de la LNH qui pourraient explorer le marché des joueurs autonomes sans compensation le 1er juillet sont relativement nombreux, mais à Montréal et à Toronto, un seul nom retient l'attention: Mats Sundin.


De retour dans sa Suède natale, le joueur de centre de 37 ans continue de considérer avec une certaine attention l'intérêt que lui voue le directeur général du Canadien Bob Gainey, qui a obtenu des Maple Leafs les droits exclusifs de négociations avec Sundin, vendredi dernier.


Une nouvelle publiée dans le New York Post, mardi, laissait entendre que les Rangers discutent également avec le vétéran suédois, mais Cliff Fletcher a nié l'information.


«Le Canadien est la seule équipe qui peut lui parler, a assuré le directeur général des Maple Leafs, mardi. Les Rangers n'ont pas demandé la permission de discuter avec Sundin et nous avons cédé les droits exclusifs au Canadien.»


Il est question que Gainey se rende en Suède pour rencontrer Sundin cette semaine, mais il se trouvait toujours à Montréal mardi, pour assister à une activité de financement pour la Fondation Gainey. Mais le directeur général du Canadien est en contact constant avec J.P. Barry, l'agent de Sundin.


«Mats sait que Montréal offre une merveilleuse opportunité, peut-être la meilleure d'entre toutes dans la ligue sur le plan hockey, a déclaré Barry à La Presse Canadienne, mardi. Toutefois, il n'a toujours pas décidé s'il va poursuivre sa carrière. De plus, Mats n'a jamais exploré le marché des joueurs autonomes et il voudra peut-être comparer Montréal à d'autres options potentielles.»


Un autre attaquant de renom qui pourrait faire l'objet de surenchère à compter de mardi prochain sera Marian Hossa. L'attaquant vedette a informé les Penguins de Pittsburgh, en fin de semaine, qu'il deviendrait joueur autonome, même s'il a reçu une offre de plusieurs saisons qui lui aurait rapporté environ 7 millions $ par année. Dès le 1er juillet, il pourrait se voir offrir 8 millions $ par saison.


De nombreux autres attaquants envisagent offrir leurs services à toutes les équipes de la LNH, notamment Joe Sakic, Jaromir Jagr, Teemu Selanne, Peter Forsberg, Brian Rolston, Pavol Demitra, Markus Naslund et Ryan Malone.


Défenseurs et gardiens


Chez les défenseurs, Wade Redden s'attend à recevoir plusieurs appels le 1er juillet, mais il a assuré qu'il serait bien équipé en matière d'appareils téléphoniques.


«Je serai chez mon père à Lloydminster et nous avons quelques téléphones en état de marche, a lancé en riant le défenseur des Sénateurs d'Ottawa, mardi. Je serai prêt.»


Redden, qui a encaissé 6,5 millions $ l'an dernier, a connu une saison ordinaire, selon ses standards élevés. Le défenseur de 31 ans a amassé 38 points (6-32) et présenté un différentiel de plus-11 en 80 matchs la saison dernière. Mais sa solide de feuille de route laisse croire qu'il sera très en demande auprès d'équipes qui seront à la recherche d'un défenseur de haut niveau.


«Ça approche rapidement, a noté Redden. Ce sera intéressant d'explorer le marché des joueurs autonomes pour la première fois. J'y pense beaucoup. J'ai hâte de savoir qui va nous contacter et ce que nous allons faire.»


Brian Campbell est un autre défenseur qui attirera l'attention de plusieurs équipes, à moins qu'il ne signe de nouveau avec les Sharks de San Jose avant le 1er juillet. Des raisons familiales laissent croire que l'élégant patineur voudra retourner dans l'est du continent, mais rien n'est encore coulé dans le béton.


«La décision est très difficile, car il a été très bien traité à San Jose», a expliqué son agent Larry Kelly, mardi.


«Nous demeurons en contact et nous continuons de communiquer», s'est limité à dire le directeur général des Sharks, Doug Wilson.


Parmi les gardiens de but, José Théodore et Cristobal Huet, deux anciens coéquipiers avec le Canadien, sont les deux noms les plus connus susceptibles d'explorer le marché des joueurs autonomes. Mais les chances qu'ils demeurent avec l'Avalanche du Colorado et les Capitals de Washington, respectivement, sont encore bonnes.


Don Meehan, l'agent de Théodore, poursuit les pourparlers avec l'Avalanche tandis que les Capitals tentent de conclure une entente avec Huet.


«Nous avons de bonnes discussions, productives et amicales, a fait savoir Stephen Bartlett, l'agent de Huet. Comme tout le monde, nous évaluons les avantages et désavantages de prendre une décision avant le 1er juillet, ou d'évaluer le marché après le 1er juillet.»


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If Sundin does'nt come to Montreal, I would like to see Hossa this summer , they didn't talk about him yet.


1 Line Higgins-Koivu-Hossa

2 Line Kostitsyn-Plekanec-Kovalev

3 Line Kostitsyn-Smolinski-Tanguay

4 Line Begin-Lapierre-Kostopoulos



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