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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Does anybody not finally believe it would've been easier, quicker, and cheaper to get to the airport and West Island along the A20 alignment?🤦🏻‍♂️
  2. I meant the huge, modern station in its surroundings!😄 Cela dit, le « boxcab » était l'un des véhicules de traction lors de mes déplacements quotidiens dans les années 80.
  3. That doesn't leave much time for the MTQ to find solutions for the traffic nightmare that already exists and will only get worse by the time it's operational.
  4. Are you a betting man?😄
  5. Je crois au capitalisme. C'est tout simplement de la mauvaise affaire d'insulter et d'ignorer 80% de votre clientèle potentielle.🤦🏻‍♂️ J'ai utilisé le formulaire «Contactez-nous» pour dire exactement cela et que je ferai partie des nombreux qui ne dépenseront pas leur argent là-bas tant la compagnie n'aura pas réglé ces choses.
  6. Lol I was going to call them "Barilla boxes"!
  7. Rectangular boxes. If they get built. That's disappointing.
  8. Has this been mentioned anywhere else before? Or is it just speculation by the author? There will be an overpass not too far from the Kirkland REM station for the REV, but that's unlikely to be "covered." Also, "the city" has little or nothing to do with it, other than planning it as part of the REV.
  9. Do they sell architectural plans at Rossy? Seriously, we can't make our social housing units look better than a 1970s Cartierville ghetto project?🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. Whoever is coordinating the crane schedule and just-in-time deliveries is a master.
  11. Wondering when all the solar panels are being installed... /s
  12. While we don't yet know what it will be set at, there will be a gate fee for all single rides originating or terminating at YUL. At YVR, the fee is $5 (on top of a normal single adult journey fare), and the station saw 3 million boardings in 2019, and a similar number of alightings. Even if half of them were single ride fares, that's $15 million of ongoing revenue, nothing to sneeze at!
  13. No, but think of the upside: another new piazzetta for the flâneurs to destroy...
  14. DEI ≠ lawlessness or anarchy.
  15. So you have been to Johannesburg!!😉
  16. It's impressive. Now it just remains to be seen if they can truly integrate it into that little corner at DLS as in the renders.
  17. I dunno, did they really need to commission Sid Lee and pay them big bucks to come up with what is essentially an airport jet bridge?
  18. Like Dubai Mall metro station to the Burj Khalifa... 820 metres long.
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