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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Merci encore, mauvais_lundi 😄
  2. Wait. So the community groups say that an elevated REM structure would be bad because it would separate the communities from the fleuve, but the community groups also want an elevated pedestrian viaduct separating the communities from the fleuve. Makes perfect sense.
  3. I need another espresso. Clicked on the thread thinking it was more pics of 1111 Atwater! I guess that happens after spending a good chunk of one's life going to school nearby and walking to the metro from school, through Alexis Nihon Plaza.
  4. $13 millions vs $600 millions 😁 YOW cherche aussi des prêts garantis. “I want the same treatment that Montreal will probably be getting and it makes sense,” [Ottawa International Airport Authority President] Mark Laroche said.
  5. Suivant le “nudge-nudge,” c’était une situation “tout-ou-rien” — la Caisse n’allait payer que leur version, mais a refusé de partager le financement d’une station beaucoup plus élaborée.
  6. Agree. But those corporations choose to do that for reasons. But in this case, the Québec government gave the Caisse a mandate to build rapid transit to the airport and to Brossard over the new bridge. Imagine if the government then tried to force Devimco or RioCan to pay for the station in Brossard. The airport has been asking for a rapid rail link for decades, and built a station in 2006-2009 under the transborder jetty in anticipation. The Caisse got the mandate but told ADM they won’t be using that station infra and must build a deeper, more technically difficult station 35 m below an existing structure, at an estimated $150 million cost. ADM was indeed “swimming in money” in 2016 and agreed to take on the costs in conjunction with a major redevelopment of the airport. That seemed logical at the time and seems logical now. ADM hasn’t been begging for a subsidy, just favourable loan guarantees to complete the station while putting the major redevelopment on hold. The station will still be part of a transit system designed to serve the entire metro area and will contribute to the city, regional and provincial economies 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Personne, mais personne, ne dit rien au contraire.
  7. Oui, exactement. Je ne comprends toujours pas l'argumentation ici... ADM allait payer pour la station et les coûts d'intégration associés, qui totalisent maintenant quelque $600 millions. Cela n'a pas changé. L'enjeu semble être celui de tous ceux ici qui insistent sur le fait que le Québec ne doit jouer aucun rôle en aidant ADM à obtenir des prêts à conditions favorables pour réaliser une version plus coûteuse du projet qui leur a été imposé par la Caisse.
  8. It sucks that cruising will never again be as popular as it was before this mess.
  9. ☝️☝️Attention 👇👇 Public transit is the domain of the provincial government in Québec. This station will serve the airport, but it’s on a public transit line. The people who will use the station either live in Québec and pay taxes and contribute to the economy in Québec, or they are coming to visit Québec and spend money in Québec. It is no different than a station at Édouard-Montpetit or Du Quartier or Centrale. Are we asking UdeM or Devimco or Cominar to pay for “their” stations? Nobody is suggesting that ADM should get the Québec government to pay for “their” station, but ADM is seeking loan guarantees to build this public station, which (according to the 1992 Airport Transfer Act) they cannot currently seek without the government’s approval. Loan guarantees. Not charity.
  10. Am I dumb? How did that quoted post show up in English?
  11. The columns for every overpass on the 40 are directly in the centre median and it is narrow. For most of its length from the Met to SAdB the centre median is less than 4m in width, punctuated by those columns.
  12. What’s wrong with this picture?
  13. Another reason for the colours in Ottawa is the wildly variable service levels of the branches. Two thirds of “Line” 3 (Baby Poop) trains end at Blair, and weeknights there is no service on it west of Lincoln Fields — essentially it is only the Red Line (1) weeknights, with 2/3 trains ending at Blair. Line 2 also has alternative schedules, and the stub to the airport (“Line” 4) is part-time only. REM is simpler: on the main trunk, 2/4 northbound trains go to DM, 1/4 to AO and 1/4 to YUL. All stations and branches offer the same service hours as the main trunk.
  14. True, but the colours are for maps. Nobody in Ottawa will say, “OK take the Poop line to Lincoln Fields but stay on it even though it’s also the Red line and get off at Bayview and change to the Lime Green line and ride until South Keys and switch to the Turquoise line for the Airport.” Even in Paris, nobody calls any of the transit lines by their map colours. Here, on REM, you’ll either get on at a branch station in the direction of downtown or Brossard, or enter a station along the main trunk and board the appropriate train for your final stop, or you’ll transfer to that train at Bois-Franc. Adding colours to the current single line is complicating it unnecessarily. If REM 2, 3, etc ever get built, or if STM/MTQ ever exercise their right to buy REM from the Caisse (and add it to the Metro map), then they can play with the map colours.
  15. Je pense que la branche AO aurait dû rester du côté nord de la 40 jusqu’aux Galeries des Sources (station) et peut-être même tout le long. Ils ont sauvé un peu de béton avec les colonnes plus courtes du Doney Spur, mais à part de ça il n’y a vraiment pas d’avantage gagné avec cet alignement.
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