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Tout ce qui a été posté par blue_dragon

  1. What is the height limit on the lot that has the Bureau en Gros? That store is looking more and more out of place these days...
  2. Valérie won't like it, but the push for added density along transit is making its way east. Hopefully Quebec politicians are paying attention. My prediction is that it's only a matter a time before Montreal's highest tower is not located in the Ville de Montréal.
  3. The added density at this prime location is certainly welcome. The design though, pretty awful - looks like Valerie's HLM near Montagne/St-Jacques
  4. Or, Air Canada is giving federal government staffers and politicians discrete brown envelopes to push a TGF over TGV. A TGV between Montreal and Toronto would take a bite out of one of their more popular routes, especially for business travelers..
  5. disagree. canada is a G7 country with a strong economy, no reason why we can't do this when poorer countries went full high speed last century. enough with the half measures, let's have some vision for once.
  6. TGV is such a no brainer - it's as if those working for VIA or people in the Federal Liberal party have never left the continent and seen what can be done elsewhere. TGF is such a joke...
  7. If uncle frank is bringing back the 3e lien from the dead, perhaps he's now also considering a resurrection of the original REM de l'Est?
  8. Has there been any talk of extending the REM one station west towards the village of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue? Besides extensions to Jardins Dorval, Autoroute 40/13 and Pointe St-Charles, going one stop further to Sainte-Anne seems like a very sensical expansion. Sainte-Anne is home to John Abbott and Macdonald campus, not to mention is a really nice village where it can be difficult to find parking in the summer months. McGill currently operates a bus shuttle between their downtown campus and macdonald, which could be easily eliminated with a REM connection directly to campus. Moreover, many John Abbott & Macdonald students drive to school every day. Having the REM would allow those students to take the train directly from fairview or other west island stations. Sainte-Anne could heavily benefit from the extra tourism coming from people taking a day trip to the village from other areas in Montreal. I'm very surprised that the town of Sainte-Anne, McGill and John Abbott are not actively lobbying for such an extension. Truly hope it happens one day!
  9. Thought this was a good read. Good to know there is a pro-density lobby in Montreal, especially moving forward with the REM and suggesting setting a minimum density around TOD zones. I'm sure Valérie will put a stop to anything too ambitious though in the downtown area.
  10. I would think this project is now 100% dead, at least in its proposed form. No way government can justify spending 36 billion dollars when REM A was just built for ~10 billion. Especially, 36 billion and the train won't even go downtown. Time for this to go back to CDPQ.
  11. What a waste of a prime lot. No ambition whatsoever in Montreal - I feel like many on the approval boards, politicians, and some developers have never stepped foot outside of this province to see what else is being done in this world. Québec sait faire.
  12. next up, high speed rail! (and please no "high frequency whatever the hell fancy buzzword for slightly better but still slow traditional rail") other countries developed high speed rail decades ago - there is no valid excuse why Canada can't have HSR service, perhaps other than Air Canada having too strong of a lobby power in Ottawa, which we should not tolerate.
  13. Car dependent "experts" - then again, everyone does drive in the waste island
  14. Has there been any talk of a pedestrian/cyclist overpass above Highway 40 for the Pointe-Claire REM station? From the south side of the 40, it's a huge detour to go to St-John's or St-Charles and cross over, quite dangerous for those not in cars. Would be a huge boost to the industrial and residential areas as well...
  15. It's about 5 stories too short IMO, but otherwise I don't hate it. Will bring extra density to an already dense neighbourhood. Infill development - ça va boucher un trou...
  16. why though? they are not hideous looking and are built within 5 minutes from the nearest station, not to mention the water views and all the services available as well within the same short walk. absolutely no need to own a car if you live in one of these buildings. kudos to the developers in longueuil for proposing such a high density development. i predict that montreal's first 250m building will be either on the south shore or laval..
  17. who approved this monstrosity ? looks like an anorexic hall building that is about to have a growth suprt and look even more sickly. rather than wait 30 years, can we start a petition now to have the building re-clad before construction is over?
  18. Similar across harbour high density development, although still no comparison to Tokyo,139.7701168,3a,25.7y,26.27h,88.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sszgDzsZn8AhyTKQP437LBQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  19. Why would anyone want to ever shop here? There is traffic in this area 16 hours a day, which'll only get worse with this mall. Even coming by metro, the station won't exactly be across the street & will be a bit of a walk. I don't get it..
  20. looks like they installed 2 steel beams on the roof recently, perhaps to begin the final 'floor'? (or whatever you call it to hide away the elevator core)
  21. there's at least one more floor to go on this one right? looks really odd to have the elevator core stick up from the top right now!
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