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Édifice Wilder / Maison de la danse


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Espace Danse shaping up to be Quebec's biggest dance centre


Victor Swoboda

August 16, 2015


On a stretch of Bleury St. between Ste-Catherine St. and de Maisonneuve Blvd., Quebec’s biggest dance centre, Espace Danse, is steadily taking shape. Workers in hard hats scurry in and around the nine-storey Wilder Building, continuing a renovation that has gutted the 97-year-old brick-faced structure. Meanwhile, two new neighbouring concrete and glass buildings are rising apace — one abutting the Wilder’s north end, the other the south — soon to sport a contemporary design appropriate to their future tenants.


Somehow the small, discreetly placed sign, which the provincial government has put up next to the Wilder Building to announce the $99.2-million project, doesn’t quite do justice to the magnitude of the undertaking. With this project, dance is getting high-profile real estate smack in the middle of downtown arts central.


Just over a decade ago, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens began a push for a new residence to replace the converted garage on St-Denis St. that has done yeoman service as studios for the past four decades. Time and again, the company seemed on the verge of announcing the government support that would get the project going, only to face another delay. In subsequent years, two other local established dance organisms — Tangente and École de danse contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM) — came on board the project.


Government support finally materialized, architects Lapointe Magne et associés were hired, plans were drawn, and then came a surprise addition: Agora de la danse, whose theatre space for many years had occupied the same building on Cherrier St. as Tangente, joined the mix. Abruptly, the original choreographed trio became an improvised quartet.


“Agora was added after the project design was practically finished,” architect Michel Lapointe said during a recent tour of the construction site. “At the start, each company had its own studios, but when Agora came, the space became much more multi-functional. The project was redesigned for exchanges of space, and Tangente and Agora will share a theatre.”


So the dancing duo of Cherrier St. will continue to hold court together in the north pavilion, a cube snuggled into the L-shape of the Wilder Building. Both the north and south pavilion exteriors will have a glass curtain filled with insulation for better climate control and soundproofing.


“We experimented with this material at the École nationale de cirque and found it quite satisfactory,” said Lapointe, citing another of his designs.


“We had many discussions about the acoustics and the soundproofing, since the Espace Danse faces the Place des Festivals,” noted Les Grands’ executive director, Alain Dancyger, during the site visit. “But outdoor events there like the jazz festival happen in the summer, which disturbs our schedule less. We won’t have 100 per cent silence, but we’ve minimized outside noise.”


Tangente will have a creative studio called the Laboratory whose street-level windows will have curtains that can be left open or closed depending on the degree of required privacy. Above that will be a theatre with 250 seats that can be reconfigured in any way that contemporary choreographers prefer. Higher still, Agora will have rehearsal studios and EDCM will have four studios for its students.


“The exterior walls will be opaque, but to avoid having a blank wall, we’ll have a windowed balcony that people will take to gain access to the theatre,” Lapointe said.


To further brighten up the new buildings, both north and south pavilions will have distinctive patterned exterior designs on the Bleury St. side. On the Place des Festivals side, a projector mounted on the facing Musée d’art contemporain will cast wall-sized images on both the Wilder Building and the south pavilion.


“One of the design challenges was the Wilder shell looking onto the Place des Festivals,” Lapointe said. “The solution was to put in a glass curtain so we don’t lose the look of the original brick building, but we also create a performing facade.”


Rising like a curl of smoke even higher than the Wilder Building, the south pavilion will be the new home of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, a visible reward for the company’s successes over the past decade both at home and on foreign tour.


The ground-floor lobby will connect entrances from both Bleury St. and the Place des Festivals. For those who want to pause while passing through, there will be a café. A rooftop terrasse restaurant will also be open for those seeking a view.


Looking at the unfinished building today from the street, you can see the gaping hole where a black-box theatre-studio space with 250 retractable seats will sit. Its 14- by 15-metre stage space is comparable to the stage of Théâtre Maisonneuve at Place des Arts, a handy measuring stick when mounting new productions. Under an arrangement with Les Grands, Agora will use this theatre on occasion for its own presentations. Les Grands’ seven other new studios will all have natural light.


As part of a multi-functional concept, these seven studios won’t be exclusively used by Les Grands’ dancers. On some days, amateur dancers will take ballet classes. Other days, people with Parkinson’s disease or other ailments affecting their movement will participate in classes at the Dance Therapy Centre, touted as the first of its kind in North America.


“We don’t want this new building to be out of date in 20 years, so we thought hard to make it multi-functional and adaptable,” Dancyger said.


As for the Wilder Building itself, it will have new offices for the dance companies as well as for some 400 employees of provincial government arts agencies including the Ministry of Culture and Communications, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and the Régie du cinéma.


With the Quebec government putting up $66.4 million of the total $99.2-million budget, it should be no surprise if its employees’ offices get the best views. The federal government has kicked in $7 million. Out of the $25.8 million remaining, the four dance groups have raised almost half, or $13 million, and continue to fundraise for the rest.


“We’re about halfway done with the construction,” Lapointe said. “The concrete part is almost finished and the steel construction will go fast. We still need to put in the roof and we have to close the glass envelope by December. Then we’ll start inserting the mechanical elements, the decor supports and the interior fixtures.”


A grand opening is planned for June 30, 2016. Then let the dance begin.[/Quote]


Excellent article sur ce projet avec beaucoup de détails quant à la composition de qui occupera l'immeuble. Il y a aussi quelques rendus sur la page du site.

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En plus le mariage de l'ancien et du moderne donne toujours un résultat intéressant, sans compter que l'occupation de cet immense complexe dévoué à la culture, attirera beaucoup de monde dans son sillage. Le Quartier des Spectacles n'en sera que plus animé. On peut d'ailleurs imaginé toute la vie que ce secteur central générera une fois que tous les projets dans son périmètre immédiat seront complétés. Je pense ici notamment au Carré St-Laurent, à l'Esplanade Clark et à l'édifice de l'ONF.


Un coeur de ville unique en son genre, où la création sera à l'honneur et qui battra la chamade au rythme des événements qui se succéderont joyeusement, toute l'année durant. :applause::applause::applause:

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Cette prise présente un intérêt pour ce qui l'entoure. Le mini Manhattan de 18 étages seulement tel que le Concorde se targuait lors de sa construction dans les années noires de la construction à Montréal. Le bout du Louis Bohême qui se pointe par dessus la construction. Le Peterson qui tardivement se pointe tout au fond. Et les éclairages de la Place des festivals, les plus imposants de tout l'endroit. Quant au Wilder lui-même, il est supposé contenir du marbre d'Italie. Il a longtemps déguisé tout le coin, tout l'année durant. Quant à chamade, ne capitulons pas malgré l'horde.

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