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Quartier Pointe-Nord - Projet Global


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Proment planifie de 5 à 6 tours de 30 étages sur la pointe Nord, et un autre groupe propose 5 à 6 tours de 25 étages sur la pointe Sud. Un potentiel de 12 nouvelles tours à condos à l'Ile des Soeurs pour les prochaines années. Je sais pas si ces promoteurs pelleteurs de nuages ont entendu parler d'un ralentissement économique quelconque.... Ah non c'est vrai, l'ile est un endroit particulier, déconnecté de la réalité, tous les riches veulent aller y habiter et ils n'auront donc aucun problème à vendre le tout comme des petits pains chauds. :rolleyes:


C'est nouveau cette mentalité de défaitiste qui croit qu'aucun projet n'est digne de voir le jour? On parle d'un promoteur avec les reins très solides qui va continuer le développement du micro-marché qu'il a lui-même créé. The fuck you talkin' about?

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:confused: Il me semble qu'à force de densifier l'île avec des projets de plus en plus gros on risque de créer un milieu de vie hyper saturé avec le danger d'une perte marquée de qualité de vie.


Surtout que l'offre de routes pour y entrer et sortir, elle, n'augmente pas. Suffirait d'un accident grave ou un problème majeur sur une voies de sortie pour congestionner l'île complètement. Un scénario-catastrophe pas si improbable vue l'état de notre réseau actuellement.




1. Construire le projet Pont Champlain de Cataclaw ;)

2. Construire le metro ligne rouge de Cataclaw ;)

3. Construire un pont vers Verdun sur le cote ouest de l'ile

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1. Construire le projet Pont Champlain de Cataclaw ;)

2. Construire le metro ligne rouge de Cataclaw ;)

3. Construire un pont vers Verdun sur le cote ouest de l'ile


Es tu fou;););) Les gens qui habitent "l'Île" ne veulent rien savoir d'avoir un lien direct avec Verdun. Ils ne veulent surtout pas voir les gens "pauvres" de Verdun sur "leur" Île!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Es tu fou;););) Les gens qui habitent "l'Île" ne veulent rien savoir d'avoir un lien direct avec Verdun. Ils ne veulent surtout pas voir les gens "pauvres" de Verdun sur "leur" Île!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Seriously! I bet the fact that there's a pedestrian/bike path on the highway bridge bothers them...

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J'ai été contacté ce soir par Proment pour un sondage sur leur projet de condo à l'île des Soeurs ainsi que sur mes intentions d'achats futurs.


Ils m'ont ensuite invité à un session mardi soir prochain pour avoir mes idées sur leurs projet, mais malheureusement j'ai déjà quelque chose de planné ce soir là!! Dommage, j'aurais aimé y aller!

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ah ben, on aurait été ensemble !


Tu seras là? Chanceux! Je voulais vraiment y aller, mais j'ai un rendez-vous au garage pour faire poser mes pneus d'hiver à comme que je connais mon concesionnaire Acura, ça va leurs prendre au moins 90 minutes faire la pose de mes pneus!(maudite bande d'incompétents!)


Tu me laissera savoir quel était le "prix-cadeau" qu'ils vont remettre au participants!

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Proment unveils project plans for Pointe Nord






Article mis en ligne le 29 octobre 2008 à 14:37

The developer is in favour of laying out an interpretation centre where visitors can view the architecture on the right side of this illustration. Its triangular roofing echoes the typical headdress of the nuns who played a key role in the island’s development in the last two centuries.


The residential project Proment intends to undertake in the northern tip of l’île des Sœurs has been under discussion in the last several years and these plans are still ongoing. Attendees in the most recent Rendez-vous d’affaires of L'Île-des-Sœurs have however been provided with sufficiently precise information on the project as Samuel Gewurz and his principal collaborators unveiled aspects of the project.


The president of Proment emphasised that his plans will continue to evolve; that goes without saying because a project of this scope requires a decade of planning before it is completely implemented. Some components of the project have been revealed and Mr. Gewurz is now in a position to confirm that the first phase will be launched next February and that construction work will probably begin in 2009.


The Pointe Nord (northern tip) project will require an investment estimated at more than $700 million. It will occupy a land area of one million square feet and will be divided into nine zones of about 300 by 300 feet to accommodate between 1,600 and 2,000 housing units in total. The intention is to build town houses and five towers, the heights reaching as high as 25 to 30 floors. Other buildings with five to six floors can accommodate some businesses on the ground floor while housing units will be on the upper floors.


The most delicate elements in this planning involve achieving balance between the different aspects of the project and the search for high standards. To that must be added the need to develop a project that integrates well into the overall concept of the L'Île-des-Sœurs area, as well as the promoter’s concerns that the project complies with LEED criteria.


One particular consideration is to make each of the streets in this neighbourhood provide a view of the river. The five towers will be separated from each other at a certain distance; according to the developer, they will be designed in such a way that they occupy a small foot print on the ground. That too calls for balance while respecting the density criteria that will satisfy the economic aspect of a project of this scope.

Along the river


It is known that this whole part of the island is fenced in by a strip of land measuring about 30 meters that was acquired by the Borough as a result of exchanges or agreements with the developer. This allowed for the multi-purpose path that will serve as a natural link between the southern tip of the island and the northern sector. An interpretation centre will be built right at the heart of the northern tip project along the shore of the river. The objective of this centre is to present, with the use of visual aids, the contribution of different developers on the island, beginning with the Indians, the French settlers, the nuns...and the builders. This building should also have public toilets for users of the neighbouring path and for visitors. The developer also wants to create a small beach in this area so that kayakers, for example, can have access to the water. Note that these different elements are still under discussion as they are working with the Borough who is part owner of a section of the site being targeted.


More projects


One specific thing about the Pointe Nord project that the developer is being less talkative about is a vast site located close to the Champlain Bridge. It appears that it will be more commercial than residential in character. For a long time, now, there have been rumours – and they persist - that this area will have a hotel. This is an option that Proment Corporation does not dismiss, but the developer is not in a position to confirm it at this time. It is undoubtedly a part of the project that will be defined in greater detail when the economic situation is more positive.


It appears, however, that the economic slowdown is not a major factor in the evolution of the project’s other phases in Pointe Nord.


Mr. Gewurz is counting on the residents of L'Île-des-Sœurs to give his project a final orientation, and it is within this framework that he is inviting people to a new consultation session – a focus group – in the next few weeks. Interested parties can confirm their attendance by calling 514 769-6000, extension 3007.

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