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Il y a 2 heures, TomC a dit :

C'est quand même très laid. Ça va vieillir aussi bien qu'un HLM de banlieue française.

Oui mais ce n'est pas uniquement à cause de l'architecture que les HLM de banlieues françaises s'enlaidissent à très grande vitesse. ;)

P.S : tu as viré Super Dupont ? 😭

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Ayoye.  Talk about unimaginative architecture.  It's like a big blunt object standing there in the wide open space... to remain that way because of the constraints around it.    This spot should have gotten something sculptural.  Iconic.  Oh, wait, Plante said this is iconic. 🙄  We're letting someone with that taste level run the city? 😜

...I keep thinking about Via 57 West in NYC and how something like that would have been perfect here. 

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32 minutes ago, Rocco said:

Do we really expect something iconic in Montreal? We are still traumatized by the Big Owe after 45 years. Traumatized, poor, humble... you get that architecture.

Someone put together a side-by-side shot of the Expo site and Griffintown....  :stirthepot:

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