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La Malterie - 10 étages


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Ashlee Wismach, October 2015


The Canada Malting Facility has dominated the Saint-Henri skyline since its original construction in 1904. Sadly, having become derelict after being abandoned in 1989, the site has not benefited from any of the development energy proliferating the area, primarily due to its complexity and protected historic value.


With experience in the restoration and rehabilitation of historic sites, specifically with respect to their transformation into viable residential developments, Renwick began analyzing Canada Malting in March. With the completion of a lengthy review of the site, its components, the history of the facility and of the neighborhood, A preliminary development plan was established and purchase negotiations began. These negotiations were successfully concluded in October.


While still being finalized, the approach will see for the partial restoration of the original facility, the preservation of its historic value and the redevelopment of the site for the creation of a mixed use residential project.!project-page---canada-malting/c1vsz

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Ashlee Wismach, October 2015


The Canada Malting Facility has dominated the Saint-Henri skyline since its original construction in 1904. Sadly, having become derelict after being abandoned in 1989, the site has not benefited from any of the development energy proliferating the area, primarily due to its complexity and protected historic value.


With experience in the restoration and rehabilitation of historic sites, specifically with respect to their transformation into viable residential developments, Renwick began analyzing Canada Malting in March. With the completion of a lengthy review of the site, its components, the history of the facility and of the neighborhood, A preliminary development plan was established and purchase negotiations began. These negotiations were successfully concluded in October.


While still being finalized, the approach will see for the partial restoration of the original facility, the preservation of its historic value and the redevelopment of the site for the creation of a mixed use residential project.!project-page---canada-malting/c1vsz


Intéressant et prometteur leur futur projet du Centre Laval. Un nouveau fil pourrait être créé.

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  • 10 mois plus tard...

Voici une autre proposition du bureau d'architectes Karl Fischer

Lennox Avenue


J'aime bien ce qu'il font, ils sont aussi les concepteurs du TOM et je crois le défunt Victoire sur St-Jacques. Mais la plupart de leurs projet se trouvent à New-York.


En ce qui a trait au Silo Canada Malting, j'aime bien et j'espère que cette proposition ira de l'avant.


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  • 1 année plus tard...

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