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Le Grand Quai du Port de Montréal


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The space is great!

I'm sure it will be immensely popular when it opens to the public and word gets out. The roof garden is fabulous ! You can walk around the perimeter and the views of the city are fantastic ! It should be very popular for watching sunsets. 

You really feel like you are somewhere else. It is quiet, isolated and lends itself to contemplation. The closest comparaison would be the promenade adjacent to the river on the Quai de l'Horloge, but we are much closer to the river here and there is the addition of that large lawn. The space breathes...

The site will only get better once they complete work on the area where the public art, seating and trees will be installed next year.   

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Il y a 13 heures, IluvMTL a dit :

The site will only get better once they complete work on the area where the public art, seating and trees will be installed next year.

Sans oublier la tour qui sera construite à cet endroit en 2019!

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