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Le Roccabella - 40, 40 étages (2018)


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You are most likely right although what people say they are on the Internet does not mean anything. Anyhow, he is entiled to his opinion, even though biased, as much as anyone. It is not like he is insulting anyone. The more information we have, the better it is. That's the way the market works, no? We are big boys; we can choose what we want to believe...:)

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Guys, you have no respect for other members. It is laughable to believe that someone would try to promote a project on this site. You are giving yourself too much importance. Relax!


MtlUrb est le troisième résultat lorsque l'on cherche "Le Roccabella" sur google, et le premier qui est une tribune ouverte où les gens peuvent s'exprimer sur le projet en question (en bien ou en mal). C'est assez élevé pour qu'un promoteur essai d'y améliorer son image.

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You are most likely right although what people say they are on the Internet does not mean anything. Anyhow, he is entiled to his opinion, even though biased, as much as anyone. It is not like he is insulting anyone. The more information we have, the better it is. That's the way the market works, no? We are big boys; we can choose what we want to believe...:)


He insulted everyone's intellegence here. Also, he lied. He didn't purchase any units nor did his brother-in-law or friend like he said they did!

It is the equivalent of falsly rating a product on amazon or tripadvisor.

If he could influence just one buyer with his BS story, it was worth creating an account for. BTW, this was his first and only post.

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MtlUrb est le troisième résultat lorsque l'on cherche "Le Roccabella" sur google, et le premier qui est une tribune ouverte où les gens peuvent s'exprimer sur le projet en question (en bien ou en mal). C'est assez élevé pour qu'un promoteur essai d'y améliorer son image.


C'est bien vrai, tellement que mon beau frère y participe au moins 20 fois par jour!

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Just to be clear here, he's is a roccabella employee because he is using a roccabella email account.


I accepted his account ( I validate every new account manually) because I assumed he wants to read the forum or give some intresting input on the project (alway welcome!)... but frankly didn't expect this review, i was actually fooled (look at my sincere reply lol)...


But after checking his account in detail I saw who's behind zab88...


The account is not banned or anything, he can still come here and go in full disclosure mode, no one will be harmed. lol

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