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Humaniti - 39 étages (2021)


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il y a 23 minutes, Decel a dit :

Surpris qu'ils peuvent encore couler du béton aujourd'hui à cette température.

Je ne suis pas un expert mais je crois que la réaction chimique à l'intérieur du béton dégage de la chaleur et le béton se réchauffe par lui-même.

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Ils doivent parfois utiliser du chauffage au propane pour maintenir une température un peu plus élevée je crois.

Mais le contraire aussi est possible, quand il fait trop chaud, le béton sèche trop vite et n'est pas assez solide, c'est pourquoi ils doivent parfois l'arroser pour ne pas qu'il sèche trop vite.

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The temperature gradient between the warm interior of the concrete and the cool surface is problematic, but the main issue is how dry cold air is. This means that a lot more water is pulled out of the concrete than during warmer days. Both issues can be solved by covering the concrete+formwork in plastic (to create a mini greenhouse), but the colder (and dryer) it gets the harder it is to maintain.

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Il y a 2 heures, Digtoast a dit :

This means that a lot more water is pulled out of the concrete than during warmer days.

When I built my house I was told that the best time of the year to build the fondations was in the summer but I didn't know why. Your explanation now makes perfect sense to me. I was also told at the time to wait a number of days before I erect the house in order to let the concrete dry out before it gets stressed. The same contractor said it was different though for commercial buildings where they use a different chemistry in the mix in order to allow construction sooner after pouring.

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